Harrison Armory's battle plan, revolved around a three pronged offensive into the Kirin Sector, Battle Group Celestial, Battle Group Harrison, and Battle Group Alicorn. Battle Group Celestial would deploy in the Rimward facing portion of the Kirin Sector, and would spread out to cover more ground. Important to their initial battleplan was the world Vietkỵbinh, a world colonized by a variety of races, a charter granted during the ending days of SecComm by the Kirin Sector Command. Harrison Armory intelligence suggested a semi urbanized world, with a high population, and agrarian focused economy. When Battlegroup Celestial, Barbarossa Section deployed upon the world, they used shock, awe, rapid deployment, and aerial supremacy. Within 6 months the planet's urban centers were secured, and resistance was deemed at acceptable levels for the campaign to progress into the next stage.
Unbeknownst to the Command Staff of Battle Group Celestial, resistance had been quietly gathering, awaiting for it's time to strike. July 7th, 5018u marked the beginning of a united effort across the planet, to fight back against the Colonial Legions of Harrison Armory. Heading this movement, a humble Earthy Pony, who's family afforded him on Cradle, a firm believer in the Three Pillars of ThirdComm. Returning to his home in 5016u, just before the Armory-Kirin war, and began spreading the ideals of ThirdComm.
During the two years of occupation, Ho Chi Mane, and his trusted officers, rallied support across the world, and soon the VietPon was formed. Now the battle rages across Vietkỵbinh. Will the creatures of Vietkỵbinh see their world liberated? Or is it simply another victim to Harrison Armory's colonial Ambitions…?