
> requested from /co/ as well.

> confound these bronies! they drive me to draw!

> they should add an MLP category for the submission theme…

> EDIT: OH WOW! someone wrote a short fic to go along with this image! thanks a lot fellow anonymous brony!

Here's a short little fic for the Friend Off. It's based on the picture provided. I call it: "Applejack's gift"

> “Are you sure this is a good idea, Applejack?”
“Trust me, Big Macintosh is jus gonna love this. Why, ah saw him lookin into the mirror just the other day, and he was glancin’ every which way all around his snout. Ah’m sure this is the perfect birthday present for him.”
Twilight Sparkle still wasn’t too sure, but if her friend said it would work, it would work. It was Big Macintosh’s birthday, and everypony wanted to get him the perfect gift. Most of the Apple family had stuck with what they knew: apples. Big Mac already had all the apple fritters, apple strudel, red delicious, caramel apples and candied apples he could handle. Applejack wanted to get him something different, and her friend Twilight was the only way to make it happen.
“Besides, ah saw you give one to Snips and one to Snails, so ah know you can do it.”
“Ok Applejack, I’ll do my best. Now, what kind would be fitting for Big Macintosh? I know! I saw just the one in one of my books on grooming the other day. How about you bring him into the barn and we’ll do it there?”
Twilight Sparkle snuck slowly away from the ongoing celebration. It wasn’t too hard, as all the other ponies seemed to be having the times of their lives all throughout the orchard. Pinkie Pie was off playing pin the tail on the pony, and Spike was chatting nervously with Rarity over by the spread of birthday food. Making her way into the barn, Twilight Sparkle concealed herself just behind the door, and concentrated on the task ahead of her. “I really don’t like to do this,” She though, “But if it’s for Applejack, I will.”
“Where are we headed, Applejack? Don’t you want to stay by the party?”
“Not right now, Big Mac. Ah’ve got something I wanna show you in the barn. Won’tcha come along if yer sweet lil’ sister wants to give you yer present?” “Eeee-yup” Big Mac let out his signature agreement, and followed Applejack into the barn. Walking past the door, he looked at the cavernous space. “Where is it?” He asked his sister.
Turning around to face her, he was surprised to see Twilight Sparkle standing there with Applejack. Not a pony of many words, Big Mac waited in silence as the unicorn pony’s horn began to glow furiously. Breathing heavily, Twilight concentrated all her magic and focused on Big Macintosh. After a few seconds, Twilight let out a long exhale, and relaxed her body.
“Well, whatcha think?” Applejack asked her brother.
“Whoops, maybe I made it too big…” Twilight Sparkle began, gazing upon her work.
“What are you talkin’ about?” Big Mac asked.
“Well, ah saw you lookin’ in the mirror and figured ya wanted one so…”
Realizing that the two ponies were looking intently at the end of his face, Big Mac reached a hoof out to his snout. He rubbed the tip of his nose and felt a rather odd sensation. There, covering a large portion of his face, rested a truly impressive handlebar mustache.
“Why, it’s the best present a pony could ask for.” Big Mac said.
“Ah told ya he’d love it!” Applejack said to her unicorn friend. “Now come on, let’s head back to the party!”
As the two mares walked away, Big Mac promised to himself never to let his sister know about how dirty he got everyday from working on the farm, or how long he takes in front of a mirror everyday to make sure he’s clean and presentable for his family.

> Twilight Sparkle and Big Macintosh © Hasbro
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