
Here is a reference sheet of my Zony character Righteous Eclipse.
Art made by HelithusVy
They did a fantastic job on this.
Long backstory thing. Still a work in progress but hey need to start somewhere. Tell me if you see any grammar errors and I will try to fix them.

Name: Righteous Eclipse
Height: Regular Mare height

Born from the unlikely love between an evil zebra witch and one of Celestia's royal guards Righteous Eclipse had an interesting life.
Though her father was known as the towns hero and protector, her mother had a hard time being accepted due to her past behaviors, Righteous was no exception. Though the adults were a bit kinder to her due to her father the ponies her age never really trusted her so she always had a hard time making friends her age causing her to become more reserved and distant from the others. Even if the adult were nicer she figured out soon enough that they still did not fully trust her an some were even afraid of her.

The only one that never showed fear and was always honest and kind with her was the village matriarch. The matriarch was seen as the sort of leader and almost maternal figure to the zebras of the village. So it was no surprise that Rightious grew very attach to her. If she was not with her parents, she was most likely in the company of the graceful mare.
Early in her life she was captured by a coven of witches that were rivals to her mother. She was taken not only because the villains thought her mother was now soft and weak, but also because it was thought that the hair of a cross between a zebra and a pony would contain exotic magical traits. She was shaved from mane to tail so the villains could use her hair in some sort of strange and sickening potion. Then she was locked inside a cage until it was to grow back. Luckily, her mother caught wind of the kidnapping and who was responsible. With the help of the matriarch the two of them were able to find the evil witches' lair and with potions and hexes they were able to save little Righteous. This event inspired her to be more like her saviors and planted the seed that would later grow into her passions. She'd learn all she could about magic, herbalism and self defense from her mother and the matriarch. Though, this event did leave it's mark on her. She'd never trust zebras from outside her village again, and she would never let her mane and tail grow out long, in fear that it would attract unwanted attention from some other coven.

As a teen she was usually seen with the matriarch for studying. Despite her distrust of the zebras around her and perhaps even having a cold attitude towards them, the foals living in this village, surrounded by whom she often found herself, her heart did not harden. Taking care of the children helped to keep the warmth in the corner of her heart and grow into a great love for taking care of them

A few days after her 18 birthday, the town's savior, her father, disappeared. At first it was of little concern, that stallion could obviously take care of himself. He was most likely off on some little adventure. But as the days turn into a week Righteous and the town could obviously not help but wonder what happen to him. To complicate matters even further the village was hit with a very nasty drought making them more reliant on exported goods from neighboring kingdoms. Seeing her mother and the matriarch struggle under the pressure broke Righteous heart. So she decided to do something about it. Righteous had heard once that many zebra made a living by traveling to exotic lands offering goods and services in exchange for bits.

Righteous explained her plan to the matriarch and her mother Much to their chagrin. They protested and reminded her of the possible dangers outside the village, but that did not deter her resolve. They let up after she said that surely her talents as an herbalist and potion maker could net her a lot of bits that she could then send back to her mother and the town. Not to mention that being 18 years old meant that she was more than capable now of making her own choices. Though secretly she has also seen it as an opportunity to go find out what happen to her father. after being granted the permission, on the condition that she would return to the village safely.

As a parting gift for use on her travels, the Matriarch and her mother crafted a special artifact which could disguise her true appearance from any evil witch who would harass her. She left the next day going to a village near the equestrian border were her father last seen.

Managing to make a brave face and trusting her magical disguise she went and talked to the locals and surprisingly finding a few stallion that had the same armor and uniform as her father. She heard tales of a pony with royal guard armor going north into equestria with no army nor soldiers accompanying him. her mind was made up she will going to equestria. From what the locals told her he seemed to be going towards the city called, Cantherlot.


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