(Inspector Mare)
LEMME see them hoofprints, Misty!!
(Checks Misty’s prints and compares them to sketch of indoor muddy hoofprints with measurments)
YEP, the hoof size measurements AND the hoof prints seems to match our prime suspect, Detective!
Misty, as the official law mare of Maretime Bay, I hereby place you under citizen’s arrest for grand larceny, tampering with evidence and resisting arrest!
LEMME see them hoofprints, Misty!!
(Checks Misty’s prints and compares them to sketch of indoor muddy hoofprints with measurments)
YEP, the hoof size measurements AND the hoof prints seems to match our prime suspect, Detective!
Misty, as the official law mare of Maretime Bay, I hereby place you under citizen’s arrest for grand larceny, tampering with evidence and resisting arrest!
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