
> ★★★
> Twilight was far more young and naïve then Celestia's previous student. And her adoration and blind trust didn't help but make Celestia worry, despite this; the unquestionable power the filly possessed was unable to be ignored and Celestia feared what could happen if she let her go unchecked. So Celestia took her in as a disciple and let her live in the castle.
> Before she knew it, Celestia grew fond of Twilight. The only pony in a long, long time to thoroughly soften her heart. She even felt a sense of familial love for her-but she was afraid to admit to something like that.
> It made Celestia worry when she saw her student detached and focused whole-heartedly in her studying, ignoring any social life. Something Celestia inadvertently facilitated by watching over Twilight for too long. Celestia knew this and felt immense guilt, she didn't want Twilight to become just like her. And needed to put away her overprotectiveness and let Twilight learn and experience life outside her watchful gaze.
> With a weary heart she forced her student to leave Canterlot with the task to supervise the preparation of the Summer Sun Celebration and to make some friends.
> Celestia knew this particular solstice would be the day her sister would come back home. A bone-chilling anxiety but something Celestia doesn't want to ignore any longer. Whether she comes back as Luna or as Nightmare Moon: she was ready to ask for forgiveness and try again.
> ★★★
safe2498506 artist:aztrial496 imported from derpibooru3673215 lemon hearts2937 minuette7977 princess celestia133770 spike108613 twilight sparkle419931 twinkleshine3031 alicorn351096 dragon93445 pony1684376 unicorn595536 baby17941 baby dragon4559 baby spike831 book49496 cake14732 cakelestia1482 comforting1870 crying63808 cute292805 eating15156 female1989911 filly110496 filly twilight sparkle3871 food116067 messy eating1782 nervous sweat647 night43464 pastry171 reading9407 starry eyes6187 story included14037 sweat47649 sweatdrop7694 test486 that pony sure does love books1472 that pony sure does love cakes90 tired5164 twiabetes16823 unicorn twilight35300 wingding eyes43294 younger27147


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