
The biggest controversy in Equestria: HUMANS IN EQUESTRIA ARE REAL! Humans in Equestria are some of the most mythical creatures in Equestria till this day and some have even reported seeing some in Manehatten and Las Pegasus. It is quite the controversy.
safe2487045 artist:muffinexplosion276 edit196546 editor:undeadponysoldier2419 imported from ponybooru28829 carrot top7016 golden harvest6815 earth pony488714 pony1674604 animated145960 cute291870 female1978312 frown39624 funny6310 gif52789 humans in equestria8 humming104 looking at you303652 mare801945 meme110006 newspaper2256 reading9353 silly9762 simple background663312 smiling450328 text105219 white background182141


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