Summary: Hitch, Sunny and Izzy visit the Delaney Park Strip in Anchorage, Alaska, where a young girl's soccer ball has been missing and the young girl needs the help from the three ponies to retrieve it.
Sunny and her friends are in Anchorage, Alaska where they are visiting the Delaney Park Strip, and things seemed like another bright day for the three ponies.
"Seeing Anchorage during the summer isn't like how people would see it during the winter." Sunny told her friends, Hitch and Izzy, comparing the weather in Anchorage during the summer with the one during the winter. "It just gets hot and nobody can stand the heat around this city."
"Good thing that I didn't need my shades." Izzy said, as she didn't need any sunglasses with her this time around.
"Funny that even outside winter, the mountains in Anchorage still have snow." Hitch said, wondering why the mountains in Anchorage would still have snow during the summer, much like Vancouver and some cities from other countries sharing similar results.
Izzy looked up in the air, saying, "My, the sky just matches my day where I can just have a picnic with my friends…"
"But we didn't come for a picnic." Hitch reminded Izzy that today was not the day where they could have a picnic. "We are in the real world again because we gotta make sure not another situation occurs and the humans don't drag us into it." He added.
At least we can have some fun doing things like all ponies, right?" Sunny asked Hitch and Izzy, cutting into the conversation and see what they could this time now in the real world.
Hitch and Izzy eventually agreed with Sunny's question and somehow they would do this when the time calls for it. However, a young girl calling out the three ponies soon happened, and they heard her voice. When she came closer, they saw her dressed in her middle school soccer uniform, which was the color purple.
"I-Is something the matter?" Sunny asked the young girl, who has blonde hair and green eyes. She was getting anxious and quickly needed the ponies to understand her.
"Yes, my soccer ball has been missing in this park since yesterday, and I can't find it." She said, as she was playing soccer with her fellow sixth grade friends the other day and unfortunately it has been missing.
Izzy puts her hoof around the young girl's neck, saying, "Don't panic. Me and my friends, Hitch and Sunny, are gonna return the ball for you. We promise."
"Oh, I knew I could count on you ponies." The young girl said, having her trust in the three ponies that they will return the soccer ball to her as soon as possible.
The three ponies walked away from the young girl and start searching for the missing soccer ball. "Just when I thought we could avoid getting involved in situations like this…" Hitch complained, wishing he could just have a happy day without any humans needing the help from him and his friends.
"Stop complaining about every journey we go on, and you just gotta be more annoying sometimes." Sunny told Hitch, as she didn't had hearing Hitch complain about retrieving a soccer ball for the young girl who is in sixth grade.
"Ahh, he mostly complains about everything." Izzy jokingly told Sunny, which made her laugh.
"No, I don't!" Hitch argued with Izzy knowing he doesn't complain about every single adventure they have been going through since Day 1, back in Bridlewood Forest.
"Yeah, you do, Hitch Complainer!" Izzy called Hitch a name that he didn't like.
Hitch was getting annoyed over Izzy's excitement and her calling him a "complainer". "Izzy, you have some nerve…" Hitch replied back, as he really got fed up with her calling him names nowadays.
"Okay, break it up, you two!" Sunny told her friends, as now was not the time for arguing. "We must continue searching for the missing soccer ball somewhere in this park."
"I'm just glad the mission involves three ponies this time." Izzy said with excitement.
"Basically, the last time me and Izzy went on a mission, we had Sprout with us back in Florida." Hitch recalled his last visit in the real world with Sprout the other day.
Later, Sunny pointed her hoof at soccer ball standing on top of a bush. "Look, the soccer ball is up on the bush!" She told Hitch and Izzy, finally figuring out where the soccer ball was hiding this whole time.
"Let's Hitch it up!" Hitch said with a brave look on his face and pulled out his rope, so he can get the ball down from the bush.
However, the rope was not long enough to get the ball down from the bush, so Hitch needed Izzy's help on this one. "Izzy, give me a hoof!" He called her out, needing her to assist him with getting the soccer ball down from the bush.
Izzy, having not choice but help Hitch, levitated the soccer ball with her magic and gently brought it back down onto the ground, leaving Hitch and Sunny happy that they simply accomplished the mission.
"Alright, we did it!" Hitch jumped with happiness as he and the others walked back with the soccer ball and return it for the young girl.
Back at the entrance for the park, the young girl was sitting alone, gloomy and wondering when Sunny, Izzy and Hitch will arrive again. However, she heard a voice, saying, "Hey, we got the ball!"
"It sounds like Sunny and her friends." The young girl said, running and see Sunny and her friends again.
When she came back and see Sunny and the others again, she was surprised that they have her ball just like how they promised her they would from earlier. "Oh, thanks a lot!" The young girl said with happiness, hugging Izzy and the others for retrieving the soccer ball. "Now I can play soccer with my friends again next time!" The young girl said before running off with her soccer ball.
"Looks like we succeeded in another mission." Hitch told Izzy and Sunny, seeing that teamwork was the key in getting the soccer ball.
"I guess we can do our own things now, yes?" Izzy asked her friends, since there's nothing else happening right now.
"Certainly, yes." Sunny replied before she and her friends moved somewhere so they could possibly do something more fun, like eat lunch somewhere else.