
Hey everyone! back to the ring for some more art, march is leaving and i'm needing some help, i'm opening this new YCH with some juicy chiby kinda style for pony characters, they are just $30 for super special ocation!
I hope you find it interesting, it would help me and my family a lot!

Oh, if you are interested in my 3D model, just let me know about it, all i can say is that they are made in Blender, using procedural textures and to make it work on other programs they need to be ported, something i'm still cant do if by myself, some heads up, the price for the 3D model base is $50 without any other details, but if you are interested in some outfit or clothing they can be talked.

(Just some extra info, if you dont mind, all the commissions i'm making its for supporting my family, wife and boy, at the momment of writing this i dont have a fixed job (Argentina, you know) so every single commission is like a fresh air for me and my family)


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