Each week, two teams of aspiring chefs compete for a job at one of Aryanne's most elite pubs "The Ponyville Hofbräuhaus" while working in the kitchen of a restaurant set up in the television studio. Ponerpics users will decide who is worthy to stay in Mare's kitchen and who is going home. The contestant, who has the most upvotes will win the competition… and aryanne's respect (maybe).
So before you upload your OC with a "ponerpics community collab 2023" tag, ask yourself the following questions:
Can you stay the heat of Mare's kitchen? Can you handle Aryanne's temper? Is your ass raw?
I also want Aryanne to yell at you.
How is this my problem?
Uh, that's probably not gonna happen. In fact, I don't think anyone in here can cook.
There will be a plenty of time for that in the kitchen, big boy.
Don't we all?