Luna: "Not on our watch!"
Celestia: "Because, We have the solution!"
Daily appears thanks to the Celestia magic
Daily: "Uh? Wh-where am I?"
Pinkie Pie: "Oh dear Celestia…"
Mrs. Cakes: "Oh no…"
I hope you remember of this episode? It's the episode 13 of the season 9 of the show — "Between Dark and Dawn"
Well this time, it's in the Ryoku Verse, with Daily!
Daily is currently preparing a dish for a pony on the other side of Equestria. But her twin sister Tia teleports her and her food truck to Sugar Cube Corner because, of the four sisters, she is the best cook!
Also a little thought for the pony who saw the Burning Snack disappear before her eyes, and who was waiting for her order while her belly was crying out.
Have a nice day!
And don't forget to watch me for more!