
"HARK FRIENDS! Long has the tyrant princess Celestia claimed that bringing forth the sun made her greater than any other pony! That being skilled in one, unrelated area granted her the unquestioned right to rule! And we agreed. We foolishly allowed her rule to go unchallenged for nigh on a millennia!
For a time her rule was good. Farms thrived, scientists and magicians churned out discoveries, and Equestria grew. However all things must change, something that that seems to occur far too slowly for both Celestia and her equally tyrannical sister!
We have been patient, my friends, given their highnesses many chances to see the error in their ways. When her higness Luna returned from her banishment many were hopeful that her example would lead to a change in the system, instead she turned out to simply be an even more archaic and disconnected version of her sister and reinforced the stagnation we were faced with.
When Discord returned, we believed the Princesses would see the horror their static rule would bring. Instead the princesses turned even him into yet another tool to reinforce their reign.
When Celestia was not only deceived into allowing an enemy force to infiltrate her inner circle, but was also defeated in single combat and captured, while her sister left her ponies to fend for themselves, one might think that would cause them to realize their own fallibility and yet! They proceeded to host a celebration immediately after fending off the invaders, showing only the barest hint of caution!
I could go on, but my point is this: Long have we allowed the princesses to get away with failure after failure and now their egos have grown such that they would have us pit ourselves against our fellow creatures for the sake of proving which of them is better!
We say no longer!
The princesses each claim that they fight for Harmony?
We say that Harmony would not have us fighting each other for the pride of a tyrant!
The princesses claim that bringing forth day and night makes them the rightful rulers?
We say that they no longer have what it takes to lead!
We need not fight for the sun or moon.
Together we can remind them both that they are bound
by The Dawn."


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