Del: Hey, Candy! All the food's set up outside. Ready for your intro?
Candy: No
Del: Hey, you alright?
Candy: No
Del: What's up?
Candy: So. Many. People.
Del: It's nothing you're not used to.
Candy: N-no. I've got stage fright. Just look at how many of them there are out there. I hardly know anyone.
Del: But you're always on stage doing stuff back home.
Candy: But I know everyone there. This is Canterlot. CANTERLOT. I don't know them. They're all here. Judging me.
Del: Heh, Candy, I think it's better than talkin' in front of people you know. 'Cuz then you have to see them all the time.
Candy: But they're strangers! They don't know anything about me and I only get to make one impression and if it's a bad impression then they talk about me to other people and then they get the same impression about me from the other people who don't actually know me and it's just awful 'cuz it's not who I am!
Del: ………………Wow. Ah, um…….. never thought about it that way.
Candy: See!
Del: Look, Candy, you're just psyching your self out. You're amazing at what you do and you'll be fine out there. If they have a problem with you then it's their loss. And they'll have to deal with me, too.
Candy: Awwww thanks Del! You're the best! And y'know what? You're right. I can do this!