Pony autism is truly a strange thing. Odd, vociferous disagreements under normal art, and pleasant discussions under…this. I would rather have the former, thank you very much.
There's also youtube: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNmbST1519bJZDVvHOTdZ-dnjgpLMFCFv heartshine, needforponies, so many places to watch the show! It's truly magic.
@Captain Conundrum
Yeah. So many Free places to watch G1 although as far as I know Tubi is the one that has the best quality while still being free.
Oops, looks like I glanced the context here. But there is g1 on heartshine, so there's that!
yeah, i'm a fan of g1
heartshine, needforponies, so many places to watch the show! It's truly magic.
they have it on yayponies i think