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“Apologies, Dragonlord. I can send for those documents but they were signed years ago and
on multiple separate occasions. It will take some time to track them all down," you reply
rather convincingly.

‘You can immediately see it was not what Ember was hoping to hear. "You don't keep your
ratified diplomatic agreements in a royal archive?” she replies with an arched eyebrow. Her
tone tells you that she knows that you do and you swallow.

"0-of course, but… uh… they're not there right now and-" you begin to reply.

"Enough! I have heard enough! I will not take your excuses! I have had enough of you
pathetic ponies! Now it's time I prove how worthless you are!” she growls as she takes a steps
towards you.

Two royal guards run forwards and SPLAT they're immediately flattened under Ember's foot.
‘Your horn glows as you ready a spell when she lifts her huge foot again and it hovers over
you. You're about to teleport when the wall of foot stink hits you like a punch to the face. You
gag and gasp, shaking your head as you sputter on the stink and that's all it takes for your
spell to fade. "W-wait!" you choke, but the foot comes stamping down towards you.

KER-SSSSSSPPPPPLLLAAAATTTTTT You completely vanish beneath the enormous

foul and utterly stinking dragon foot as it slams right down on top of you. Ember snorts as

she grinds her foot from side-to-side, squelching and squashing you under the sweaty sole.
"Pathetic. Just as I expected. Your magic can't outmatch a single dragon foot,” she snorts
derisively as she stubs you across the base of her foul foot as if you were a cigarette snub.

GAME OVER! The royal throne of Equestria is not full of a backside, but rather of an utterly
enormous draconic foot. Dragonlord Embers enormous foul foot is firmly planted across the
seat of the throne, her toes sticking out over the edge as her weight cracks the throne. Those
huge sweaty blue digits radiate with stink, and as they flex and extend they show off the long
pastel coloured tail that clogs up the spaces between two fat toes. Beneath her immense foot
is an entirely flat white mat of a pony. The stink soaked, gooey, squelched and mulched mess
that is all that remains of you! From Princess of Equestria to Princess of Foot Fungus as the
rotten toes squelch and grind against you. Your hoof tips and the very point of your muzzle is
all that remains visible of you. A thick bead of foot sweat slicks down her claw and drops from
the tip, splatting onto your outstretched tongue and making you gag on the awful taste.

Dragonlord Ember delights in ponies coming in to pledge their allegiance to her, to submit to
becoming the dragon toys they were always meant to be. After all, your serunched up and
utterly stinking form is reason enough for anypony to immediately submit as nopony wants
to suffer a fate as awful and utterly reeking as yours. Your failure to please the new’
Dragonlord has led to the collapse of Equestria as it is taken over by the Dragons, and the
enormous foul foot that was once willing to stomp your enemies into the dirt has now
crushed you into a pancake instead. Every second of your existence is utterly foul as the toes
clench in to knead and squeeze you, making your tail mop up between the sloppy digits
before being squashed back down again, now slathered in another layer of foulness. "Such a
pathetic namby pamby pony Princess. The Dragons should have done this a long time ago…"
‘Ember mutters with a scoff.


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