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‘You groan as you stare up at the enormous dragoness before you. She towers over you, her
immense form almost ten times your size as she glares down at you. Her immense toes tap at
the ground inches from your face, fat beads of sweat splashing over you and making your
nose wrinkle at the utterly horrific stench of stale cheese, putrid vinegar and a musky tang
that has your stomach turning. "E-ember, please, let's reconsider this,” you call up to her and
she throws back her head to laugh.

"Are you serious? You extort and lie, and when you're backed into a corner you beg like the
roach you are… and you know what a dragon does to a roach?" Ember calls down, and you
can only whimper as she lifts her enormous and utterly foul foot. The huge, soaked sole rises
over you, her toes dripping with sweat and other gunk as it splats down on top of you in fat
beads of grossness. You choke and gag as you hold up your forehooves defensively, trembling
in the shadow of that immense foot. "They CRUSH them!” Ember snarls, finishing her
sentence and sending her utterly enormous foot crashing down on top of you.


The effect is immediate, it's like somebody just dropped an anvil on top of you, only the anvil
was made of flesh and utterly soaked in sordid salty sweat and gooey masses of cheesy, rank
gunk. You're completely crushed, pressed utterly flat beneath the reeking, rotten sole as it
stamps you out exactly like the bug Ember thinks you are. You're crushed against the floor,
spreading across the underside of her sole as your third dimension is flattened out of you, the
heat and stink pressing you into the floor.

It's so humid and thick, the taste of rotten cheese smearing across your tongue as your
nostrils are infected by the rancid stench. You twitch as the extreme pressure of the immense
foot pressing against you leaves you crushed against the floor. "Truly pathetic! Just like a
‘pony! Act all high and mighty, but when it comes to it you can't even escape from beneath a
dragon's foot!" she snarls, grinding her sole from side-to-side with a moist, sticky squelch.

Her toes then tap against you as you twitch helplessly, those fat digits flexing as they delight
in feeling how utterly, completely crushed you are beneath her. You're flatter than a fly
beneath a piston, and completely soaked in filthy nastiness. You can't even move against the
floor, you're so pinned and pressed that you can do literally nothing. Just a sole stain on the
underside of a foot that may as well belong to a goddess.

‘With a snort she then begins to walk away. Each lift of her mighty claw carries your crushed
form along with her, your body trying but failing to contort to the natural ridges between the
pads on the underside of her foot. Your mouth is stuck open, your eye wide and staring as it's
the only thing you can move with the rest of you pressed so utterly flat. After a few years
crushed beneath her sole you're sure to fade away, though never to come free.

GAME OVER! In such a crucial moment angering the huge dragoness proved a rather final
‘mistake. Promising something you can't deliver or demanding something from a dragoness
with a foot as long as your entire body is tall proved a recipe for a crushing disappointment.
‘Your reign of Equestria comes to an unpleasant end, and Equestria itself becomes a vassal of
the Dragonlands rather than the other way around. As for you yourself, your crushed,
smooshed form gets to sit at the foot of Ember's throne, a permanent rest for her immense
and utterly foul paws. The proper place for a bug.


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