The biological parents of Anthea (Annie). Their whereabouts are unknow, their reason for leaving Anthea is unknown and whether they're dead or alive is also unknown
Anthea's adoptive mother. Fluttershy adopted Annie when she was around 4 or 5 years old from the Ponyville orphanage.
Button Mash and Sweetie Belle
The parents of Pixel Bit. They live in Ponyville but travel a lot.
Rarity and Spike
The parents of Crystal Clairty (Claire) and Turquoise Blitz (T). After they married, they lived in Canterlot until for Rarity's job. They moved back to Ponyville when T was 5 years old.
Celestia and Discord
The parents of Illusion.
Luna and Supernova
The parents of Nidra. Supernova is one of. Luna's nightguards.
Flash Sentry and Twilight Sparkle
The parents of Starburst (Star) and Nightlight (Nighty). Over the years, things became very busy in Equestria and there were plenty threats along the way. As result, Twilight and Flash ended up spending a lot of time in Canterlot rather than in Ponyville.
Shining Armor and Cadence
The parents of Valiant Heart (Val/Lance). They rule the Crystal Empire.
Pinkie Pie and Pokey Pierce
The parents of Cotton Candy, Cloudy Skies (Sky) and Sugar Rush. They live in Ponyville.
Scootaloo and Rumble
The parents of Echo. They live in Ponyville.
Thunderlane and Cloudchaser
The parents of Whirlwind. They live in Cloudsdale.
Rainbow Dash and Soarin
The parents of Prism Bolt (Priz) and Icy Storm. Rainbow used to live in Ponyville but moved to Cloudsdale with Soarin after marriage.
Cheerilee and Big Macintosh
The parents of Red June. They live in Ponyville but not Sweet Apple Acres. Big. Mac built a house nearby the farm for themselves for privacy and so Sweet Apple Acres wouldn't be too crowded.
Applejack and Caramel
The parents of Golden Delicious (Del). They live on Sweet Apple Acres in Ponyville.
Apple Bloom and Pipsqueak
The parents of Api Apple. They also live off the farm. However, Apple Bloom still helps out on the farm and when. Pip goes on his travels, she stays at the farm along with Api.
Fleur de Lis and Fancy Pants
The parents of Crme de la Crme. They live in Canterlot.
Next Gen From Left to Right (general bios coming soon):
Pixel Bit (Pixie)
Turquoise Blitz (T)
Crystal Clarity (Claire)
Starburst (Star)
Night Light (Nighty)
Valiant Heart (Val/Lance)
Cotton Candy (CeeCee)
Cloudy Skies (Sky)
Sugar Rush
Prism Bolt (Priz)
Icy Storm
Red June
Golden Delicious (Del)
Api Apple
Crme de la Crme