Epic Pony Battles of History- Octavia vs DJPon3 is published on YouTube 10 years ago today.
I'll put a classical spin on this silly rap game,
I shouldn't need to use words to put your music to shame,
It's just senseless noise, filled with wubs and bass,
My symphonies attract millions from all over the place,
You should ditch those foolish glasses, start dressing with style,
With my elegant bow tie, I've got you beat by a mile,
I didn't see you at the Gala, what happened? Were you late?
Oh that's right, the hired me 'cause you're so second-rate,
DJ Pon3:
It's time to crank this bass all the way to eleven,
You guys were boring at the Gala, but I rocked the Royal Weddin',
You're music's centuries old, mine always goes viral,
Think you can compete with me? You're not even a rival,
You think that you're big because you play with a band?
Then how come I'm the one whose gotten more attention from fans?
You're too fancy for a fight, I'll be the last one standin',
There's no way you stand a chance against MY BASS CANNON,
You clean dishes with those wubs, you think that's gonna scare me?
You must be crazy as your mane little miss P0N-3,
My music's stood the test of time and my career's at its peak,
I'd be surprised if anyone remembers you in a week,
You're just a flash in the pan, barely making the charts,
There's no way your electronics can compete with my art,
I've been playing countless instruments, all since the cradle,
I'll leave your head spinning faster than your precious turn tables,
DJ Pon3:
Barely making the charts? I'm a musical star!
You're like the Trixie of music, all stuck up and sub-par,
I've worked with the best and I'm adored by the rest!
You just play with snooty pests in bowties and vests,
Some rap battle Tavi, I wouldn't call this a fight,
You're cranky all the time 'cause you're so uptight,
Nopony listens to classical, you might as well quit,
'Cause I'm the master of beats, so LET'S SPIN THIS S***