
Hello Lovelies, It’s Been A While. We Need To Catch Up~

Long Story Short:

Life sucks. I’m getting around to being my old self again but it’s taking a while. I won’t go too far into details here but it’s been an uphill trudge through snow. Like Covered California dicking me around until the last possible moment. It creates this feeling of constantly being at odds with the world, and for a while I was afraid that if I start drawing and I was just having an off day or something, that art would fall into that category of antagonists as well. The last thing I want is to hate art.

So instead of being bitchy on tumblr, I was only bitchy on skype. That’s a win in my book. I didn’t want to worry people with post after post of my life systematically destroying itself, because I can be a very dramatic person and I may have painted my problems as being more… colorful… than they actually were out of frustration. But now that it’s all calming down I can take a moment to breathe and get my head on straight.

I have a lot of the show to watch to have relevant material to work with and shit, I mean I stopped like at the end of season 3, I just need some referential material to call back to. I have to get some personal works out of the way too. And yes, I’m still going to college that consists mostly of- YOU GUESSED IT- more work intensive art classes.

I also lost the password to this blog a while back as hotmail decided that the Lessy email was up to shenanigans so they seized it and didn’t give it back, so I’m back to yahoo. Because yahoo never treats me poorly. Except when i don’t link my phone.


It’s hard to draw or find the desire to when everything is causing stress, anxiety, and anger. And you DON’T want to have that happen to art as well.


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