Old pic. First uploaded it to Ponibooru, recently re-descovered hiding on one of my hard drives.
Its a scene from some snippit of a fanfic I once dreamed up- oh what the buck. You know what? I actualy wrote something for it once, might as well toss that in too, rather than hem and haw with silly decriptions.
Have at it.
“I’ll come back someday- I promise.”
A thousand years later, her words still rang painfully clear in Celestia’s heart.
“You ought not to wallow so in your own sorrows, sister. She would be greatly aggrieved to see you in such a state.”
Luna had the right of it, of course. The sun princess takes care to leave her tower more often, even if it merely meant shedding tears in the gardens rather than in the privacy of her room.
“Don’t worry Princess, we’ll take care of it.”
It had almost become a chant between them. Whenever the time arose for the Elements to sally forth again, always in the darkest moments of Equestria’s history, Celestia’s fears would be met with a smile and the same simple yet soothing phrase.
She misses it now, more dearly than any would imagine.
“..In commemoration of the brave and true souls who did make such noble sacrifices…”
It’s an annual event that has remained unbroken for an auspicious ten centuries. This particular year, Celestia forces herself to attend.
The service is as dreary as she expected. She is surprised by one part of the celebration. At the end of Luna’s speech, as her sister’s hooves strike sparks upon the mausoleum, a sudden roar overtakes the crowd. Celestia has to brace herself against the sheer volume, the booming thunder of the applause.
Such response from a generation of ponies whose family histories no longer even record the actions of those being venerated is… frankly astounding.
Luna’s efforts have been fruitful; her friends are still remembered.
“It only took ten years to make.”
The artisan says it wryly, shy and somewhat embarrassed to showcase their work in the royal palace. Celestia stands bathed in a multitude of prismic shadows, looking up at the most recent interpretation of her worst memory.
Time has forgotten many details, but those twin highlights and six point mark remain perfectly preserved.
“You have done yourself proud, my little pony. It is…”
Celestia wonders why; why did she never ask her to sit for a proper portrait? Even once would have been enough, but instead…
“…truly beautiful.”
She makes do with magnificent re-creations, masterpieces that never come close to their original subject.
Celestia fears the day when she will no longer be able to recognize their flaws.
“Time seems to have passed swifter these last few centuries. Do you not agree, Luna?”
“These past few millennia, I believe you mean. Tis’ only natural, after so much was lost to us…”
They sit at the five hundred year old “New Capitol” and gaze out as sunset dances over the oceanic twilight. Their tea grows cold in the silence. Neither princess retains the appetite for a warming drink.
“Starlight, star bright, first star I see tonight…”
The seaside wind tosses her whispered words away, the unexpected gust making her breath catch painfully in her throat. Far out over the shimmering waves, a star twinkles dimly in the darkness.
“I wish you may… I wish you might…”
Tears drown out the rest of the old verse. She lies quietly on the cold stone for the rest of the night, immortally banishing any meaning from the evening chill. A lonely mare watching each of the stars as they flicker into life.
“I say again, tis’ not our fault to be harried on! We did not condone any vicissitudes of our night-!”
“Is something the matter, Luna?”
Celestia interrupts what appears to be the attempted mobbing of her sister, careful not to wince openly at the number of star-themed cutie marks amongst the crowd.
“Truly, sister, we are sure that there shall be much the matter if this flock of antagonizing astrologers does not their cease badgering of us!”
The crowd shifts and mutters abashedly under the amused gaze of their solar princess. Luna takes this opportunity to extricate herself from the throng and stomp over to her infuriatingly placid sibling.
Celestia, loving family that she is, cannot help but tease her.
“And what could you have done to ruffle so many erudite feathers? It’s not even teatime yet, you know.”
Voices rise into an incoherent jumble at her query, each pony present trying to drown out their neighbor’s explanations. Celestia watches for a moment, torn between her own mischievous nature and an honest dose of curiosity.
Just as her enjoyment begins to wane, a sudden ‘crack!’ silences the hall. As one, Celestia and the herd look to the long line of balcony windows, all of which are now thrown wide to the evening sky.
Luna stands before the nearest pair, her solemn features pulled down into as regal a glower as a pony could wish for.
“As we hath said, no inaccuracies of the nightly tablet are our doing, nor do we currently know the origin of this… anomaly. We most certainly do not have the quiet and concentration necessary for such deliberations, not with this rhapsodizing rabble hounded at our very heels!”
Some of the astronomers skitter back as the night princess flares her wings for emphasis. The shadows lengthen, the very night itself seeming to gather in indignation.
Somepony giggles softly. The sound cuts easily through the echoes of Luna angry admonitions.
She snorts gruffly at Celestia’s stifled titters, but her stance eases noticeably and her pinions fold away without further tongue lashings.
“In any case,” The Royal Canterlot Voice is retired as the various star-struck foals begin to disperse. “We should like your opinion on the matter, sister. If you would?”
The dark blue alicorn motions her ivory counterpart towards the windows and the sea-ward view beyond. Celestia steps forward obligingly, ears laid back in faux contrition as she passes by her harassed sister.
Out of the periphery of her vision, she sees Luna roll her eyes.
Tonight’s evening sky is cast about with dark cottony strips of clouds. The last light of sunset still lingers scarlet flames on some of the more distant strata, bands of burning ruby red dimming the sight to the occasional patch of starry blue.
It is certainly not the most optimal night for star gazing; whatever upset the royal astrologers must be obvious indeed to have been noticed so quickly.
More curious than ever, Celestia moves towards the edge of the balcony and casts her sight out further, searching the northern and the southern skies as well for the mysterious ‘anomaly’.
She sees nothing but dark obscurities and fragmented constellations.
A strange sound pricks her ears and the sun princess looks enquiringly over her shoulder. It seems it is now Luna’s turn to laugh; the dark alicorn is chuckling unashamedly into the crook of a raise foreleg, watching her sister’s ineffective searchings with bright and gleeful eyes.
Celestia daintily lifts an elegant eye brow, careful to maintain an expression of aloof civility in the face of her personal ridicule.
“Perhaps, sister dearest, you would be so kind as to point us in the proper direction?”
Luna actually doubles over at this, the raised fore hoof moving to cover her face as she positively shakes with laughter.
Celestia feels her Queenly Mask twitch slightly.
Possibly sensing the stretching of her sister’s bruised honor, Luna composes herself enough to remove the hoof and gesture vaguely towards the sky directly above.
Grudgingly, for Luna still seemed too mirthful to bother raising her head, Celestia accepts the offered olive branch and cranes her neck back to view the heavens overhead.
Her breath leaves her in a startled gasp.
Just there, blazing brighter than the bloody gild of sunset, a fiery comet is splitting the clouds above.
Celestia feels herself turning, stepping back until her tail grazed the balcony balustrade, but can hardly be bothered to pay any heed. The sight above consumes her fully.
The great bolide stands out like a hellish gash in the gathering night. Its tail spills out over the sea coast, visibly wavering and shedding flickering sparks of red and orange as it paces slowly across the sky. Just visible above the palace roof, the head of the fireball shone a brilliant white, a wandering star haloed in golden flames as it flew on its inland course.
How, oh by sweet Harmony, how in the name of Equestria had she not noticed this at the first?
“You see now, sister, what hath brought such persecution down upon me…”
Luna’s voice seems to lose itself in the night air. She had straighten up at some point, and was now left standing uncertainly in the light of the hall, watching as tears began to gather in her sibling’s eyes.
“…Sister? Art thou- Are you well?”
Celestia’s open mouth curves into a smile. She reattaches her jaw, swallowing hard, and the glistening tears overflow.
Her lips move, but for a moment Luna is left straining to hear completely silent words.
The dark alicorn moves forward, worry overwhelming shock, and nearly speaks again before Celestia finds her voice at last.
“She’s back…”
White wings spill out and take to the sky. Dark wings flutter in the shocked silence, and then hasten to follow. Guards make note of their monarchs’ sudden departure; alarmed calls ring out, lights flare to life, and the entire city descends into chaos at the sight of the earth-bound meteor.
High above, still distant, but getting nearer all the time, a falling star races into the deepening dusk.
Its arc is long, but she does not need calculations to see its end.
The star is headed inland, towards old Equestria and the old capital.
Celestia laughs against the sting of the wind on her tear stained cheeks, pushing her wings faster than they have seen use for in ages.
Somewhere behind her, she can hear Luna swearing vividly in ancient Equestrian.
Their comet will land on the western slope of the Canterlot Horn.
Her heart thrums in her chest, almost painful in its sudden warmth. Up ahead, the deceptively fast star touches down with a flash of amaranthine light.
Celestia cannot help herself the silly grin she must be wearing. For the first time in over two millennia, she truly feels like smiling.
She kept her promise.
Twilight has come home.
What's this? No backstory, no explinations?
Sure, fine. You know that one time Twilight burst into angry flames? Well, I took that, mixed it with some native American myths, and decided Twilight was actualy a star. Oh, and she has some wandering relitives, and they've been looking for her, AND they think all of Equestria is holding her hostage.
Somehow, that winds up with Twi heading off for on few thousand year long jaunt.
Silly idea, silly story, but oooh look at the pretty colors~