
These are $40_ per char, +5 for the hypno edit.

_If you get 2 i will do $75 for the pair. 3 or more they are 35 each

p@ypal only, DM if you wanna snag one! you MUST have a ref or image of your char showing how you want them before reserving a slot.

Ponies/bats/kirin only! (Extra-complicated chars may cost a bit more.)

No limit, but if I get flooded I may pause taking them for a bit!

Final gifs will be large 2k x 2k files. (Had to compress this one for twitter) I will also try and include a 150px version for emotes

Finished example >3186154


Syntax quick reference: *bold* _italic_ [spoiler]hide text[/spoiler] @code@ +underline+ -strike- ^sup^ ~sub~
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