
Adult Sweetie Belle, an aspiring singer, has taken time to make the hard decision to leave her home and friends in order to pursue her dream. She decides to leave Ponyville and move to the city of Manehattan to start her musical career there.

While she understands that she is talented enough to become a professional singer even in Ponyville, she also knows that living in Manehattan would give her more opportunities. There, she has a chance to not only become a professional singer, but a famous one as well, maybe even a celebrity as well, just like Countness Coloratura, who lives there.

Sweetie makes her decision and is ready to aboard the train. But not before saying one last goodbye to her friends and sister. She hugs her big sister goodbye first.

Rarity: I've always been so proud of you, Sweetie. Glad you're on your way up in the world. Tears build in her eyes I'm really going to miss you. Take care in the city.

Sweetie Belle: I will sis…I will.

Rarity releases her and Sweetie picks up her luggage. She walks closer to the train before turning her attention to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

Scootaloo: Do you really have to go?

Sweetie Belle: I know its hard, but opportunities are like the princess's sunrises. If you wait too long, you miss them. I just can't pass this up.

Apple Bloom: I understand Sweetie. We're just going to miss you so much.

Sweetie Belle: I'll miss you too. Believe me, this is just as hard for me as it is for you. The three of us have always been inseparable.

Scootaloo: We sure have…

We get a montage of many of the things the three have been through (Just like we got in Crusaders of the Last Mark after they got their cutie marks) in their childhood and their journey, beginning from the "Call of the Cutie" to "The Last Crusade", the two meeting Apple Bloom for the first time to them being awarded the key to the Ponyville during Cutie Mark Crusader Apprecation Day. After it ends, we go back to the train station where the CMC have a group hug.

Scootaloo: Well, goodbye and good luck. Be sure to write to us.

Apple Bloom: I have family in Manehattan, be sure to give them a visit. They could help you know more about the city and how to fit in. And I'll try to visit both them and you whenever I go there.

Sweetie Belle: As I said, we always been inseparable. No matter where I am, the 3 of us we'll always be together, just as we always have been.

All in unison: Cmc's forever!

They raise their hooves up and high five each other before Sweetie aboards the train. Rarity wipes her tears with a tissue she levitates. When it drives out of sight, they miss her already.


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