Cressie is a pegasus pony who has a special talent in….. magic? Since fillyhood she has felt incredibly bottlenecked for expressing her true talents cause she doesn't have a horn. On top of alot of parental trauma stuff cause who needs therapy when you have ponies
Crescent was plauged with unwaking nightmares that they would force themself to fully endure. Princess Luna being the guardian of dreams picked up on this pattern. After years of waiting for the filly to grow past these fears Luna saw them continue to get worse and worse until the nightmares started affecting her even in the waking world.
Princess Luna has her own insecurities and fears reguarding mentoring a pony, especially one she can relate too this much. The duo ever curious on how a pegasus could ever wield enough magic to become an alicorn they agreed, while in the dream realm Luna would teach Cressie as much about magic as she could, becoming the Tia to her Twilight
The QR code links to her (must be logged in to view) CRESCENT LULLABY IS OWNED BY ME ARODOVE / CAIDWA ! Anyone else claiming ownership is LYING