Princess Luna, known as Nightmare Moon or Night Mare Moon when transformed or under certain other circumstances, is an Alicorn pony, the younger sister of Princess Celestia, and the main antagonist of the season one premiere My Little PonyFriendship is Magic as Nightmare Moon. She is also the adoptive aunt of Princess Cadance. Eventually, the Elements of Harmony restore Luna to her former self and she returns to rule over Equestria alongside her older sister. Princess Luna/Nightmare Moon is called by her respective early names Princess Selena/Night Mare in another depiction.
Vice Principal Luna is a female human and Princess Luna's human world counterpart in the My Little Pony Equestria Girls film series. She is the vice principal of canterlot High School and younger sister of Principal Celestia.
Much like her counterpart in Equestria, Vice Principal is firm yet fair and understanding. Unlike her mellow-voiced sister, she speaks and conducts herself authoritatively, and she keeps her office dimly lit. Luna is not lenient in delivering punishment to the students, as shown in her interactions with Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, and Photo Finish. In the third film, Luna is on very friendly terms with Crystal Prep's Dean Cadance, a considerable far cry from how she views the haughty Principal Cinch.
In Legend of Everfree, Luna and her big sister are taking the students on a trip toCamp Everfree after successfully raising the funds to do so. Once there, and meeting the ones in charge of the camp, Gloriosa Daisy and her brother, Timber Spruce, when Celestia brings up the camp gift, mentioning the sundial she and Luna dedicated to the camp, Luna voices her discontent at the sundial being useless during the nighttime. Later, when noticing the boat dock is structurally unsafe, Luna decides to close it off, much to the students' chagrin. Later, when Gloriosa, corrupted by magic from Equestria, seals off the camp from the outside world, Luna and Celestia take many of their students to shelter in the mess hall. After Gloriosa is defeated by the Rainbooms and stripped of the geodes that provided her magic, she apologizes to Celestia and Luna, deciding to give up and sell Camp Everfree to Filthy Rich to demolish and rebuild as a spa resort, but Luna and Celestia refuse to let that happen because of their former time spent there along with those memories of campers past and present who love Camp Everfree as well. Thanks to the Rainbooms, the camp holds a Crystal Ball fundraiser that is able to successfully raise the money to pay off the camp's debt and save it from foreclosure. However, unknown to Luna, back at Canterlot High School, magic has begun to seep out of a crack in the pedestal where the Wondercolt statue once stood over the portal to Equestria itself.