After being saved from the timberwolves, Spike came up with a way to show AJ his appreciation and true feelings for her by doing absolutely everything for her for the rest of their lives. Applejack didn't want him doing it though, since it made her feel like she was being just as manipulative as Rarity. It took her so long to find a way to tell him that wouldn't hurt his feelings, but after that she craved him desperately.
After Twilight was crowned the ruler of Equestria, Spike grew up. When he grew up, he really understood his feelings for Applejack. He told her as soon as he found out and they spent the rest of their time together. He started helping her with chores on the farm and even helped her build her dream café. They named it the Cider and Shack in honor of Applejack's natural roots.
They later got married and had four kids together. Their oldest were twins, the first being a boy and the second being a girl. Their middle child, another boy, was blind, but he still made his way around the farm. Finally, their youngest, a girl, was full dragon unlike her other siblings. She took longer to grow up, but Applejack was thankful to have her stay young for as long as she could.