
When Giant Ponies and Creatures Attack — Episode 1 — Spitfire, Destroyer of Philadelphia

Summary: The Mane Six and Wonderbolts try and save Philadelphia from a giant evil Spitfire. However, Spitfire is also trying to destroy her fellow Wonderbolts as well.

Somewhere at night in Norristown, Philadelphia, Twilight Sparkle and her friends, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are inside a house consisting the married couple named Eddie, who is 32, and Martha, who is 29. They have one daughter, Maria, who is 7.

"The name is Twilight Sparkle." Twilight Sparkle greets herself with the family, who welcomed her and her friends inside. "These are my friends that I have known for a very long time and saved Equestria multiple times."

"Ooh, now that sounds like an excellent story I can write into my journal tomorrow!" Martha suggested writing the story about how Twilight and her friends have protected Equestria from danger in her journal.

Though the Mane Six liked Martha's idea, they would prefer she didn't do it.

"No thanks." Rainbow Dash denied Martha's suggestion.

"We don't really need the people in Norristown knowing the tale how we defeated bad guys and saving Equestria from them all the time." Applejack said, agreeing with Rainbow and the others, too.

Martha giggled and even laughed. "Come on, it wouldn't be a bad idea now, would it?" She asked her husband, who has standing alongside her.

"Eh, I don't mind." Eddie chuckled.

"Um, we just said no the first time!" Pinkie Pie told Edward and Martha, who still ignored the protests from her and the rest. "We want that sorta thing private. If you write that in the journal, it'll become a worldwide spread across this city."

"Yes, you can't just write the story about us saving Equestria in your journal, darling." Rarity added.

Martha eventually decided to give up writing the story on how Twilight Sparkle and her friends defend Equestria from danger. However, she admits that the ponies have potential, which seems very promising. She puts on her red glasses, which she does occasionally.

Eddie and Martha's child, Maria, came down the stairs, recognizing her parents talking with Twilight Sparkle and her friends.

"Um, who are you talking with, mom and dad?" Maria asked her parents.

"Maria, this pony is Twilight Sparkle and these are her friends." Eddie told his daughter, letting her know that they are ponies from another dimension known as Equestria and visited them only a few minutes ago. "They are heroines and they are friendly, so why just not say hello, okay?"

Even though she was just a shy, young girl, Maria walked towards the ponies, shaking her hand with the ponies' hooves. "Why, hello, I'm Maria." She introduced herself with the Mane Six, eager seeing them all inside her house.

"Hello…" Fluttershy introduced herself with Maria, being just as shy as she was, annoying the other five ponies a bit.

Maria was feeling happy meeting Twilight Sparkle and her friends in person, yet she still heads back upstairs so she could can continue doing her homework from her elementary school earlier today. The homework was science-related.

"Aww, isn't Maria just an adorable child?" Pinkie Pie asked her friends.

"I believe she is very cute." Rainbow Dash replied, having great thoughts about Eddie and Martha's daughter. "She must have so much friends at her school." She stated further.

"I'm sure our daughter is just as adorable as you and your friends are!" Eddie compared his daughter's personality with Rainbow and her friends.

Suddenly, the door opened, and it appears to be Thunderlane, who is among the Wonderbolts. He looked like he was stressed over something, something bad happening right now at this moment.

"Twilight Sparkle! Rainbow Dash! I'm so glad I have found you all!" Thunderlane was breathing hard, and he almost could not speak. "I got some bad news that is important for everyone. It's Spitfire! She's attacking Philadelphia, and me, Soarin', Misty Fly and Fleetfoot have been trying to stop her, but she's unstoppable!"

The Mane Six and Eddie and Martha looked confused about what Thunderlane just said.

"Thunderlane, this must be some kinda joke, right?" Rainbow Dash thinks Thunderlane is just making this up.

"No, this is for real! Her eyes… They are red…! She's evil. Me and the others saw it when we first confronted her. This has been on news, too!" Thunderlane defended his claim and prove he was not telling a lie towards his friends.

Eddie sat on the couch and turned on the TV with the remote in his right hand. When the TV came on, it was on WCAU, revealing what Thunderlane just mentioned.

"Oh, dear heavens!" Rarity said in terror, witnessing Spitfire on the TV, causing destruction in Philadelphia as the other Wonderbolts try and stop her. "I can't believe she's attacking the city…!" She watched in horror, now knowing Thunderlane was right in the first place.

"Yes, you can see in the news as well." Thunderlane told his friends, in which he was involved in the battle against Spitfire, who had red eyes now. "This was from ten minutes ago."

"I don't ever understand why Spitfire would ever do something like this." Rainbow Dash doesn't get why Spitfire is being so evil and attacking not just the city, but also her fellow Wonderbolts. She eventually was about to cry over this.

As they continued seeing the latest news on TV involving a giant Spitfire attacking nearby Philadelphia, Twilight Sparkle told Eddie and Martha, "You two can stay with your daughter. Me and my friends and Thunderlane will try and stop Spitfire from attacking Philadelphia further! We gotta stop her with full power!"

The Mane Six and Thunderlane left the house, and Rarity closed the door with her magic. Martha turned off the TV, feeling worried about what is happening in Philadelphia. Maria came back downstairs hearing the conversation.

"What's going on?" Maria asked her parents, wondering what they were talking about.

"A giant pegasus pony named Spitfire is attacking Philadelphia, which isn't far away from this city." Eddie told Maria.

"I hope Twilight Sparkle and her friends don't die…" Martha said, having high hopes that the Mane Six and Thunderlane can find a way to stop Spitfire with the help from the other Wonderbolts.

Minutes later, it was 8:34 PM, and the remaining Wonderbolts have been dealing with a giant Spitfire that has been terrorizing Philadelphia.

"Stop it, Spitfire!" Soarin' shouted at Spitfire, as he, Misty Fly and Fleetfoot are still fighting against her for as long as possible until Thunderlane can return with Twilight Sparkle and her friends. "Do you not understand how many innocent people you have killed?!"

Spitfire gives Soarin' an evil smirk, not even feeling offended. "It doesn't matter how much you pathetic Wonderbolts assemble, it means nothing compared with my power!" Spitfire attacked Soarin' with her hoof, sending him back. "Seeing the red eyes inside me only means I shall destroy every each and single one remaining. If you all get in my way, you'll be destroyed right along with these useless humans."

"This power inside Spitfire… is only getting more powerful…!" Fleetfoot said, who is aware that Spitfire gets more stronger and powerful during her fight with her former allies.

"We all shall attack her at once!" Misty Fly shouted, as she and the other two Wonderbolts began flying towards the giant Spitfire, and appear before her again, which was irritating her once more.

Spitfire grew bored with her enemies standing in her way. "Ugh, you just can't stay down, can you?" She fired an eye beam from her red eyes, aiming at the three ponies, although they quickly dodged it and narrowly escaped that one.

The people and the others are still screaming and running away from the giant Spitfire, who is still causing havoc in the city. Buildings have been burning, which have been damaged during the fight between the giant Spitfire and the Wonderbolts. Misty Fly, Soarin' and Fleetfoot continued fighting Spitfire, but her powers proved too much for them to handle.

"Blast it! She's too strong…!" Soarin' felt overwhelmed by Spitfire's massive power.

"We must keep fighting her, now! There's no other choice!" Misty Fly reminded Soarin' and Fleetfoot that giving up will only give Spitfire the easy chance being victorious, and they don't want that to happen.

Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle and her friends, along with Thunderlane, have been walking the streets of Philadelphia, witnessing the destruction Spitfire has caused, which was a lot, and they saw citizens running away, children included from the giant evil Spitfire while the Wonderbolts tried as hard as they could defending the city from her rampage.

"Look! Over there!" Rainbow Dash pointed her hoof at the Wonderbolts and Spitfire. "How are we gonna be able to help out?" She wondered.

"I know what can be done!" Thunderlane came up with an idea that he believes is gonna be successful. "Twilight and Rainbow, you come with me and help the Wonderbolts. And for the rest of you, help us out from down below."

"We gotta act quickly! No more wasting time!" Fluttershy looked determined.

Twilight Sparkle teleported herself and the other ponies towards the battle between the Wonderbolts and Spitfire. And they know that the objective they have is defeat Spitfire and save Philadelphia.

"Take this!" Twilight Sparkle yelled from behind Spitfire firing a magic blast at her, hitting her back.

When Spitfire turned around, she saw Thunderlane with the Mane Six, ready for the battle against her, too. "I didn't expect you fools showing up at this party." She seemed a bit disappointed though appreciated them for getting in her way.

"Enough talk, Spitfire!" Rainbow Dash looked ready for battle and challenge her friend-turned-enemy. "We will fight you and return you back to normal!"

"You honestly believe you can defeat all me when I'm at a size this big?!" Spitfire raised her voice, and loudly stomped her hooves on the ground, even crushing a car underneath her front right hoof. "The bigger I am, the more powerful, and every Wonderbolt can bow before, otherwise, I can just wipe out all of you!" She laughed evilly.

Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity hide themselves behind a street light, waiting for the exact time to help the remaining ponies when the situation calls for it.

"Okay, listen carefully, you three." Applejack rounds up her other friends for safety. "Twilight and Rainbow are helping the Wonderbolts, and whenever she needs for assistance, we must step in and do as she says, got it!"

Fluttershy, Pinkie and Rarity all agree with Applejack, nodding with her.

Twilight, Rainbow and Thunderlane all charged at Spitfire from front and the others charging at her from behind.

As the battle starts, Twilight fires her magic blasts at Spitfire with her horn and Rainbow quickly spins around the giant winged-pony with a tornado in her rainbow colors, catching Spitfire off-guard.

"Okay, you guys! Now's your chance to strike her while she's not looking!" Rainbow Dash ordered her fellow Wonderbolts attack Spitfire.

"Hurry! Not much time!" Fleetfoot came towards Spitfire with full speed, and so did Soarin', Thunderlane, and Misty Fly. They prepared an attack that will defeat her. However, just as they flew towards her even closer, Spitfire woke up and her eyes eventually opened fully.

And in a crazy twist, Spitfire slapped the four ponies hard, resulting in them falling to the ground, unconscious, shocking Twilight and Rainbow, and the others.

"Oh, no! She woke up and she knew that they were gonna be approaching at her, and she finally snapped!" Rainbow told Twilight, knowing that a rainbow tornado could not stop Spitfire for a single minute. "The Wonderbolts are all down, and doesn't like they'll get up unless we defeat Spitfire."

"Ladies, come forward." Twilight Sparkle told her fellow friends that have been hiding the whole time.

"It seems we all gotta do the job, girls." Applejack told Pinkie, Fluttershy and Rarity, finally having the chance step in and save the day.

Twilight Sparkle made her announcement, letting her friends know how they will defeat Spitfire: "You five must give me all your power so that I can stop Spitfire, and this may return her back to her regular self."

The Mane Five released their power and share it with Twilight Sparkle so she could finish off Spitfire.

Spitfire walked up to her former Wonderbolts and allies, seeing them knocked out cold. "It is time I eradicate you all. I don't need any of you anymore." Spitfire said, as she wanted to destroy them for an apparent reason.

"Not so fast!" Twilight Sparkle stopped Spitfire from behind, unleashing her powerful attack on the giant pony with the help from her five friends.

"What? No!" Spitfire said in a shock expression before the power eventually hit her, defeating her. As Spitfire could no longer stay standing, she eventually collapsed onto the ground, and Twilight and her friends moved out the way before they can get hit.

Moments later, with Spitfire defeated, she eventually returned to her regular size. Twilight Sparkle and her friends came closer and check in on her, while Soarin', Fleetfoot, Misty Fly and Thunderlane woke up, and check her, too.

"Spitfire? Please wake up!" Rainbow Dash wanted an answer from Spitfire, but unfortunately, she did not respond.

"It looks like she's out cold." Soarin' said, knowing that the power Twilight Sparkle used on Spitfire not only defeated her, but it also resulted in her being knocked out unconscious as she reverted back to her regular size, leaving the ponies confused.

Fluttershy asked Thunderlane, "Do you she'll end up being as good pony again?"

"Sadly not, I'm afraid." Thunderlane replied. "It seems that she been under the influence of dark power, which turns ponies into evil ones."

"But how else can her eyes end up being normal again?" Pinkie Pie asked, still not understanding why Spitfire can't be easily redeemed upon defeat. "We must figure why this is happening, though."

Fleetfoot explained, stating, "While we've been unconscious, when Twilight used all her power and finish Spitfire, the dark power inside Spitfire may still appear within her heart."

"I don't get why friends we have known would turn go for the dark side." Rarity said.

"Yeah, you've never seen her so evil up until now." Applejack added her words with Rarity's claim. "I don't know what is gonna happen next, but hopefully no other friends we have met for a long time end up falling for this same situation, too. It's like we won't have any friends left if they also turn into evil giant ponies."

"There's no telling what will happen with the other friends and allies you have, but be aware that this dark power may also happen with them once you find them around the world." Fleetfoot warned the Mane Six that although they have several friends, they could turn evil before Twilight Sparkle and her friends can even reach them.

Feeling worried that she may lose Spitfire as a longtime friend, Rainbow Dash and her friends left the four Wonderbolts with Spitfire and see if they can take of the situation on their own.

"We better get going and move on." Twilight Sparkle created a portal, taking somewhere else in the real world and find the others wherever they could be, and try and save them before they are doomed.

The Mane Six all walked into the portal, but whether it took them to another city in the United States or a city in a different country remains unknown at this point.

Stay tuned…
safe2545352 artist:dashiesparkle2122 edit199318 editor:jaredking779571 imported from derpibooru3738002 spitfire18534 pegasus564006 pony1724935 attack on pony170 female2037801 folded wings22864 giant pony7366 giantess7621 highrise ponies1205 irl90329 lidded eyes55978 macro18932 mare831063 pennsylvania34 philadelphia34 photo110208 ponies in real life7864 raised hoof80225 red eyes12863 solo1641353 story included14294 wings276851


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