100 Drawing by the End of the Year Challenge : 12 / 100
Tumblr Post : dshou.tumblr.com/post/52443389…
"![:iconlibra-w:":https://a.deviantart.net/avatars/l/i/libra-w.png?3(https://libra-w.deviantart.com/)~Libra-W detailed PC
OC Character Libra Windrunner belongs to ~Libra-W
Author's Note
THAT TOOK WAYYYYY TOOOOO LONGGGG for me to actually start working on this drawing, considering I started the last list of commissions back in March.
Jeez . . . ! I hope I still made it worth the points and wait.
I threw in a bunch of style adjustments, hopefully that's fine.
The clouds and explosion probably took me the longest and I'm still not really 100% satisfied, maybe it's my approach, hm.
That's one task out of the way, I'm being swamped lately, BronyCon Art Team also has quite a bit of deadlines so I really wanted to help get this out there so I can focus on those stuff.
Even then, I still have a lot of things to get through, but yep, I'll be missing again with some occassional smaller works some more thanks to how 'big' these next few BronyCon tasks are for the team, can't show these latest drawings 'til the Convention happens.