
MLP — Basic Anatomy Guide Part 1 [Overall + Head]
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Basically re-making —

into more of a guide rather than just a study with sketches.

Wing guide that was shown a bit in that study will be made later.

If you still prefer the old one, that's fine, whatever helps you the best is all that matters.

Q. When will you get part 2 and such up?
A. No promises =D

This isn't 100% show-accurate, there's a bit of my style lingering here and there, but nonetheless the purpose is to show how parts relate, and how things look by seeing multiple perspectives on it. The best way to learn is to 'understand' rather than to 'copy' so having the whole idea should hopefully be helpful in achieving the former.

Everything can be changed when seeing different styles; one's personal style can be found through experimentation, but as well observing a combination of favorite artists. It can end up being show-like, or as drastically changed as possible while still somehow the same old ponies we know. What's important, is to make sure that things are still in the right place — you can't use style as an excuse to have the mouth above the snout for example. I gave a few examples of modifications, but that's just a few out of many variations people have done to each part . . . ! Try and experiment what works best for ya when you can.

More Resources/Guides by Others

For more of my guides I made (at the moment, most of 'em are outdated, but should still be helpful) —…

I have no plans to go extremely in-depth, I provide what I think is good enough but if you ever need more information or anything then try out the following!

PonyResources [A Collection of Screenshots from the Show, all Screenshots tagged for Searching what you want] —…

A Collection of Pony Guides in the MLP-ATG-Alumni Group —…

A Collection of Pony Guides in the MLPDrawingSchool Group —…

EqD's Collection of Tutorials and Tutorial Collections of Those Mentioned and Not Mentioned —…


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