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11 comments posted
Background Pony #8DA0
Ponerpics is finally heckin' valid! I'm still permabanned on derpi just for standing up for transrights the fucking bigots!

/mlpol/ was a miracle
>that random tuft near her front left hoof
>the troon symbol being completely butchered
>alicorn trixie
fucking KEK
Punished McGee

A fallen legend
OMMGGG I wish that was me!!! As a trans ponysexual trixiekin this image speaks to me. It whispers sweet little lies right into my dick OWO soon to be cut in favour of having a VAGINA that I will shove aborted FETUSES into!!!! Because womens rights UWU~ And also because my dad beat me when I was six XDDDD He fucked me with his erect dick so hard that it made me 41% more feminine LMFAO.

On a little bit of a side note, If U want to RP as cute trixie trans plz write me back
because rp is what keeps me from killing myself :(
Ive tried OD-ing on legalized weed thinking it'll do it but it only made me taste the rainbow that was actually my own vomit :o
I was like… WOOOOOW and then I was like…. BRBRBRBRBRBRBR and then there was dad fucking me with his dick again…

Life is hard for a trixiekin…
Background Pony #D161
Better than real Ponerpics theme. You should keep these after April 1st.