For my headcanon, Rainbow serves as the crux of the story. Without her and her performance of the rainboom, the Mane Six wouldn't exist, the story of friendship is magic wouldn't exist, hell, her own cutie mark wouldn't exist! It's the reason why Starlight was able to alter each timeline so much just by changing the trajectory of the boom.
Although Rainbow won't be seen predominantly in the series, she's still integral to the story due to her reflection on Scootaloo. Her being the way she is is one of the main reasons Scootaloo is the way she is. I won't divulge just what that means yet as it's a big part of chapter one, but don't worry, it'll come up!
As far as the headcanon for Rainbow is concerned, I've decided to change her style quite a bit. I personally felt that, although her hairstyle and colours are iconic, I wanted to reflect her cutie mark colours in her hair to mix it up a little! Not as a dismissal or disapproval of her main design, just for a bit of fun! __=+
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