Basically some possible characters/companions that could appear in a story I'm toying with.
Left to Right: Wyld Pyre, Ginger Spring, Ivory Gust, and Bumpo the Owl-Bot
Wyld Pyre is a raider (now former-raider) who, through a series of events, owes Ivory Gust (much to her personal chagrin) a large 'life debt' for saving her ass.
Ginger Spring is a simple courier that gets caught up in events far out of her control, and grows fond of Ivory Gust's company.
Bumpo the Owl-Bot is simply a refurbished owl-bot that Ivory Gust and co. found, repaired, and now it's bonded to them. If I had to describe him, it'd be a slightly aggressive 'Bubo' from Clash of the Titans.
Having way too much fun with this concept. Really need to get back to working on the main story. >__<;;;