[bq]A epic style commission i did for
Inspired by the song Solar Eclipse by Frozen Night. from the album III: Into The Evernight
A reimagining of a scene from the book The Journal of the Two Sisters. In it, the Crystal Heart is stolen by a greedy dragon, and Celestia and Luna must recover it.
The book says that Celestia bursts into flames and rebukes the dragon, which causes the dragon to relinquish the Heart and retreat in fear. However, I decided to make the confrontation a little more physical. A battle results, and Luna is grievously injured by the dragon, and sent spiraling out of the sky.
The sight of Luna falling limp as a ragdoll made Celestia’s world stop. In the horrible eternity of an instant, something in Celestia snapped. Something she didn’t even know could snap, but snap it did, and from it rose an entity that made the land quiver in fear.
That’s when her inner demon was born: Daybreaker, the dark side of the sun. The sky took on an oppressive orange as the sun and moon eclipsed one another. Luna’s stars were still visible, but they burned and wavered like flickering candles. Some stars couldn’t take the sudden surge and dropped out of the sky, bursting to flame as they fell.
Are you interested in getting your own JowyB commission like this one? please do not hesitate to message me (as long as there is no tight deadline and its not NSFW) I am available to create what you envision.
until next deviation friends
here are my other links
Instagram: JowyB (original content then fan stuff)
Twitter: JowyB
Inspired by the song Solar Eclipse by Frozen Night. from the album III: Into The Evernight
A reimagining of a scene from the book The Journal of the Two Sisters. In it, the Crystal Heart is stolen by a greedy dragon, and Celestia and Luna must recover it.
The book says that Celestia bursts into flames and rebukes the dragon, which causes the dragon to relinquish the Heart and retreat in fear. However, I decided to make the confrontation a little more physical. A battle results, and Luna is grievously injured by the dragon, and sent spiraling out of the sky.
The sight of Luna falling limp as a ragdoll made Celestia’s world stop. In the horrible eternity of an instant, something in Celestia snapped. Something she didn’t even know could snap, but snap it did, and from it rose an entity that made the land quiver in fear.
That’s when her inner demon was born: Daybreaker, the dark side of the sun. The sky took on an oppressive orange as the sun and moon eclipsed one another. Luna’s stars were still visible, but they burned and wavered like flickering candles. Some stars couldn’t take the sudden surge and dropped out of the sky, bursting to flame as they fell.
Are you interested in getting your own JowyB commission like this one? please do not hesitate to message me (as long as there is no tight deadline and its not NSFW) I am available to create what you envision.
until next deviation friends
here are my other links
Instagram: JowyB (original content then fan stuff)
Twitter: JowyB
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