:iconrarityshockedplz::iconsaysplz:EEEE! Spikey-Wikey! Stay away! I'm filthy! :iconspikerageplz::iconsaysplz:Well, that "filth" has got to go… NOTHING shall make a mess of you, my dear… :iconraritycryingplz::iconsaysplz:Oh please do something about it! I don't want to be sooty for as long as I shall walk the world! :iconadorablespikeplz::iconsaysplz:…but, the only way I can do that is to lick you… permission to lick you, madam? :iconrarityhoofinmouthplz::iconsaysplz:Well, if it is to get this icky muck off me, then go right ahead… :iconspikeisarousedplz::iconsaysplz:Yeeeessss…:iconfinallyplz: starts licking the soot off of her :iconponylaught1::iconsaysplz:Hahahahahaha! Your tongue is so tickly! pets Spike on the nose, giving him more soot :iconspikeisarousedplz::iconsaysplz:licks the soot off his nose and continues licking the rest