The truth is we’ve been having issues with our prior interpretation of our mascot. Aside from meeting schedules and not getting the required posts out on time we’ve also had some rather disappointing feedback. Not only from people who have objected to Britannia’s personality (rude, too wordy, unlikeable, etc.) which clashes with the idea of a family friendly convention but also from those whom BUCK has to remain on good terms with in order to remain associated with the IP. Not that I can say as much here, unfortunately.
Long and the short of it is, a drunken, argumentative guardspony with possible PTSD is not what certain parties want in terms of their mascot. The full change in media won’t be happening until the end of the week but we at the tumblr thought we’d get started quickly.
But less of the old, more of the new. Her Royal Britishness is open to answer your questions.