„We have reached our final destination: Canterlot. Please take all your belongings with you.“ a magically magnified voice echoes through the wagon and Rarity suddenly stops listing all things great about Canterlot and gives me a little push „Let’s go!“.
Rarity practically jumps over me in excitement and as I stare after her in amused disbelief Fluttershy chuckles quietly „She‘s like this every time.“. I smiled and simply shake my head in amusement as I follow the two mares with mixed feelings.
Somehow Rarity and I had become best friends since I moved to Ponyville and it definitely was a refreshing friendship. She‘d always mention how much she wants to go to Canterlot with me someday but I always managed to find excuses until today. It seems Fluttershy owed her a favor and I could not refuse them both… So I gave in although I still have mixed feelings. My last trip to the big city was as a colt and I don’t remember much nor am I fan of going back into a city after living in such a cozy little village for almost a year.
Not even five minutes into the city and we are surrounded by ponies wanting to greet and take pictures with Rarity and Fluttershy. I am aware of how famous they are, having saved Equestria numerous times, but I had not anticipated this!
Clearly Rarity revelled in the attention but Fluttershy was stammering at the crowd pushing in on us and I get pushed aside by a burly looking stallion. Very quickly Rarity notices Fluttershy shrinking onto the ground and raises her hoof into the air, almost smacking the burly stallion and commanding their full attention while batting her eyes. "Thank you all SO MUCH for your love!" she winked at a handsome stallion and waved at two mares clutching each other in excitement "But we have business to attend to with our dear friend Twilight and we absolutely must be going."
With that said she helps Fluttershy off the ground, plunges her hoof in the crowd and somehow manages to pull me through by my saddlebag. We hurry behind her or more like I get dragged along as she rushes us into a calmer sidestreet where we can catch our breath.
Clearly this isn't her first rodeo like this and following like ducklings we dodge and swerve through the sidestreets before I know we stand right in front of the castle gates. The guards don't even ask who we are they greet Rarity and Fluttershy with a small courtsey and open the doors for us.
"Fluttershy! Rarity!" before I can even look around I hear hooves clattering on the pristine floor and a large pair of wings envelop my friends. Once I realize who had just tackled into them my jaw drops and with a quick gasp I bow down low and waited to be addressed but instead the tips of wings lift up my chin and I look up at the tangle of friends. Princess Twilight, one head taller than her friends had reached out one of her wings "Didn't you tell your friend he doesn't need to courtsey?" she chuckled and her eyes went down to them again "But first… I haven't seen you in SO LONG! Please do tell me what I've missed."
They finally let go of each other and they start to talk about recent events in Ponyville and every time my name falls the Princess smiles happily at me as if to invite me into the conversation but I feel frozen in place and unable to move. I had anticipated meeting the new princess but having her literally sprung on me like this came as quite the shock…
However as they continued to talk casually like any friend would and the conversation moves into a cozy tea room I finally start to defrost and get a few words in here and there.
I came to Ponyville to make a few friends and within just a year I made two good friends and now I get to have a chat with the princess of friendship! I anticipated my life to change but this was more than I had ever imagined!
Rarity practically jumps over me in excitement and as I stare after her in amused disbelief Fluttershy chuckles quietly „She‘s like this every time.“. I smiled and simply shake my head in amusement as I follow the two mares with mixed feelings.
Somehow Rarity and I had become best friends since I moved to Ponyville and it definitely was a refreshing friendship. She‘d always mention how much she wants to go to Canterlot with me someday but I always managed to find excuses until today. It seems Fluttershy owed her a favor and I could not refuse them both… So I gave in although I still have mixed feelings. My last trip to the big city was as a colt and I don’t remember much nor am I fan of going back into a city after living in such a cozy little village for almost a year.
Not even five minutes into the city and we are surrounded by ponies wanting to greet and take pictures with Rarity and Fluttershy. I am aware of how famous they are, having saved Equestria numerous times, but I had not anticipated this!
Clearly Rarity revelled in the attention but Fluttershy was stammering at the crowd pushing in on us and I get pushed aside by a burly looking stallion. Very quickly Rarity notices Fluttershy shrinking onto the ground and raises her hoof into the air, almost smacking the burly stallion and commanding their full attention while batting her eyes. "Thank you all SO MUCH for your love!" she winked at a handsome stallion and waved at two mares clutching each other in excitement "But we have business to attend to with our dear friend Twilight and we absolutely must be going."
With that said she helps Fluttershy off the ground, plunges her hoof in the crowd and somehow manages to pull me through by my saddlebag. We hurry behind her or more like I get dragged along as she rushes us into a calmer sidestreet where we can catch our breath.
Clearly this isn't her first rodeo like this and following like ducklings we dodge and swerve through the sidestreets before I know we stand right in front of the castle gates. The guards don't even ask who we are they greet Rarity and Fluttershy with a small courtsey and open the doors for us.
"Fluttershy! Rarity!" before I can even look around I hear hooves clattering on the pristine floor and a large pair of wings envelop my friends. Once I realize who had just tackled into them my jaw drops and with a quick gasp I bow down low and waited to be addressed but instead the tips of wings lift up my chin and I look up at the tangle of friends. Princess Twilight, one head taller than her friends had reached out one of her wings "Didn't you tell your friend he doesn't need to courtsey?" she chuckled and her eyes went down to them again "But first… I haven't seen you in SO LONG! Please do tell me what I've missed."
They finally let go of each other and they start to talk about recent events in Ponyville and every time my name falls the Princess smiles happily at me as if to invite me into the conversation but I feel frozen in place and unable to move. I had anticipated meeting the new princess but having her literally sprung on me like this came as quite the shock…
However as they continued to talk casually like any friend would and the conversation moves into a cozy tea room I finally start to defrost and get a few words in here and there.
I came to Ponyville to make a few friends and within just a year I made two good friends and now I get to have a chat with the princess of friendship! I anticipated my life to change but this was more than I had ever imagined!
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