Deputy Mare: It's just like how traffickers and kidnappers forcibly inject euphoric drugs into their live captive cargo to make them more complacent with their decrepit circumstances, even after their release….
Professor: Nopony should be forced into being happy, not even the Deputy!
Deputy Mare: Exactly—-HEY!!!
0:15 Filly Twin: It's like how Opaline tricked Misty into being friends, so she could make her do evil stuff!
Colt Twin: Everypony has the right to feel sad all the time if they want to!
0:22 Professor: WHICH ironically brings back Alura to your town, who then forces you into being permanently content with collecting all those crystals again!
Rebel Mare: It's a rather deliriously paradoxical situation that Allura has trapped all of you ponies into…
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