
> Anonymous asked: Okay okay like do you have a list of all your next gens??? Coz I would live to know more about all of them
i dont really have a solid list atm!

just my side DA where i post their profiles and stuff and its still not 100% filled out because iv been slowly working through my old next gen and revamping it but jh struggling because im changing designs and ships and struggling to pick pairings or whatever lol

and even still some of the ones iv considered changing again (like my applecheesepie girls. i love them a lot and have a lot of writing for them. but also i think i might prefer applejack with rara and pinkie with someone else,, but idk!)

but while i have a next gen related question in my inbox ill draw and talk about another one of my next gen characters!

heres Majesty! one of Rarity twins!

iv talked about her brother vanity already but shes the more ‘important’ sibling

She and Vanity were best friends growing up, she never realized Vanity had made up this ‘competition’ in his head over who was the best sibling. Unluckily for Majesty she often fell into these schemes due to her competitive nature. she is a people pleaser, especially to her mom. she will do whatever she can to get her approval and often is the winner of the praise.

Rarity loves her kids equally and always made sure Vanity wasn’t left out, but this didn’t stop vanity from seeing Majesty’s victories and accomplishments. she was friendly and talented and had many friends.

shes dear and very close friends with pinkie and Aj’s kid Splat. despite her composed lady like nature shes also good friends with Luna’s trouble making kids Loser weep and Finders keeper. she is also close to she very nice and keeps in touch with Vanity’s only friend Cloudleap. which this annoys Vanity a good bit.

Majesty graduated from school early, annoying Vanity who was having to take summer classes. She is currently a Jeweler in Cantorlot having opened her own store there at a young age of 22, Annoying Vanity the kid who is still living with mom. And now she has been named an a Chapter of Now (the new element of harmony) being named the Chapter of Devotion, the nail in the coffin that is Vanity’s ego.

she in almost every way has followed in her mothers hoof steps and at the same time is making her own mark and name on the world.

Majesty is a good person and tries her best to be there for others. but often at a fault ends up not being able to see all the sides to how others are feeling. such as not seeing her brothers jealously. she tends to look at the positive side of things to a fault where she blind sights herself.

fun random fact of her character

Once while spending the night at her friend Bunny Hop’s and Twinkle Wish house (Trixie and Starlights kids) she got gum stuck in her hair and the kids and trixie in a panicked tried to cut it out themselves, failed miserably and gave majesty a terrible hair cut.

Majesty has had a fear of cutting her hair since and has gone to only get 3 people cut her hair: her hair stylist Coco Butter, friend and fellow element Voyage, and her mother Rarity


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