
>Guided by the mysterious Alicorn to a realm of ancient magic and myth the earthponies champion gazes around at the ethereal plain surrounding them but finding no words to speak remain silent, as no sound is heard besides that of the Alicorns hoofs passing through its conjured bridge followed by the faint humming of the magical pulses wrapped around in the infinite distance. The apple rider could now feel her new found steed tense up, with a heighten sense of anticipation she turns forward now noticing there destination

A castle, floating in absolute silence hidden away, forgotten in the depths of the ethereal mist now once again revealed with it's gleaming aura and grand architecture reminiscent of the kingdoms of old

it evokes in her a sense of awe.


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2 comments posted
Background Pony #4717
The art is evocative, and I do not wish to denigrate the artist's skills. At the same time the scene, its subject matter, the way it is laid out, makes me wonder how it would look if Moebius had drawn it, or Rodney Matthews.