> It's not the name he was born with, but that doesn't matter. Nothing much of Sunray Songheart's life from before matters anymore. He left that pony behind when he became a star in Canterlot's Adult Film industry, you've never heard of who he used to be for sure, and that's how he likes it. To the Crown Jewel of Equestria and all the little ponies who live there, he is Golden Cream; The prominent face in gay BDSM and femcolt-dom pornography. Living proof that even a sissy stallion can assert confidence and dominance with the best of them, and possess a meaner whip-hoof even still! > > > His decision to retire from the industry and instead join the Royal Canterlot Cutie Maid Academy was a bizarre one to most of his loyal ~perverts~ fans, but in truth he craved more to his life. He wanted to do something for himself then merely be the face of homosexual lust, to find a purpose in is life more meaningful to his community and find new challenges to overcome. > > > And he would find a challenge in an unlikely source: Princess Celestia herself showing up at his graduation from the Academy to claim him for herself…or more specifically for her distant relative, Prince Blueblood. She sought him out for his rather unique talents and skills, requiring somepony for him that could not only give him the service he required…but also know how to wrangle him in when he was being a brat. > > > It's uncertain who's really the submissive one in their relationship: Golden Cream is servile in most matters, but whenever Blueblood starts acting pompous or foul towards others, his maid matches playful and flirtatious words with an iron pimp hoof. Years of experience being the femcolt-dominant made him into a sissy that could make even the toughest of studs clench their sacks protectively and quiver in ballbusting-driven terror. > > > With these skills, he can easily wrangle an arrogant, stuck up brat like Blueblood to the degree that it proves necessary. While of course he endeavors to care and look out for the good health of his charge, he has the full blessing of Celestia to employ his skills to keep the prince on his best behaviour and penalise him when he does something awful or churlish, with bondage and humiliation being Golden Cream's particular favourites. > > > The guards of course, have orders to not intervene or prevent the maid from carrying out his duties, nor to respond to Blueblood calling for his arrest and punishment. They simply wait and enjoy the show, until his maid's sweet words convince him to apologise and make up for acting so childishly. Make no mistake: the prince doesn't remain a brat for long…not as long as Golden Cream has anything to say or do about it. >:3
But what's the story behind Sunray Songheart, the pony behind the pornstar?! Well, he has a right to privacy and some personal secrets, doesn't he? Why so quick to spoil the mystique, you hardly know him yet! XD
So, the original trifecta of "Sissy Maids for the Pony Princes that look strangely like femboy-versions of themselves" is now complete with Golden Cream: Prince Blueblood's Sissy Maid, the "Tough-Lover". :3
The idea behind this one was deceptively simple: Shining Armor is a noble, caring and protective stallion and he got paired with a timid and helpless lost little slave who needed a kind master…and found one.
King Sombra on the other hoof is just so good at being power hungry and evil, to the point where it's downright erotic, so it fits that he should likewise have a submissive little slave maid, and in his eagerness to please his master, much of his cruelty rubbed off on him, corrupting his innocent soul…
Prince Blueblood however…is a completely unlikeable manchild. There's nothing suave or sexy, nothing charming or desirable, nothing wholesome, nothing redeeming whatsoever…just a brat who ought to be viciously fucking spanked every single day of his life so hard his bottom turns a permanent red shade. >:P
So I thought: "Hey! Why don't I pull a subversion on the expectation everyone has for a character like this, and create one that facilitates what everyone actually wants? To see Blueblood humbled in a most satisfactory manner, facilitated perfectly by a little sissy femboy who serves as his maid, as well as the ever-watchful disciplinary hoof of Auntie Tia."
And so here is that idea made manifest, the character of Golden Cream. I hope to see plenty more of him in future, and I hope the rest of you do as well. X3