
Quote: “Look fellas, I ain’t like all them other deer- I’m bigger, tougher, and know construction just as well as a trained earth pony. You want me to prove it? You tell me when, and I’ll work a day for you free of charge, provide my own tools, work within the regulations, and do it just as fast- if not faster than your own crew. Well then, Chief? What have you got to lose? You in?”

Spruce is a 30 year old Arboreal doe who has lived her entire life in Equestria, but has no true fixed abode of her own yet, far preferring to take contracts and move again after completion. This headstrong and confident doe is not one to ever back down from a challenge, and currently, she is renting a property in Appleoosa and working for a local construction company.

Physically, Spruce is a lot larger than normal for an adult doe, and approaches the size of the largest known stags, and is more heavily built and muscled for a doe of any deer subspecies. She has great physical strength and almost legendary endurance- being capable of physical feats on the level of a fairly strong earth pony.

Despite how heavily built Spruce is, however, she is notably light on her hooves, and is known to be far more flexible and dextrous than she should be with a frame like hers. She has demonstrated immense strength and cat-like agility on many, many occasions, and her name is finally beginning to pick up a reputation for speed, accuracy and reliability.

As a deer, Spruce has had difficulties finding paying work at times in Equestria due to her inability to gain a cutie mark. This, as much as the Princess’ efforts to try to integrate other species into Equestrian society seamlessly, is still not a massively uncommon situation, and ignorance and assumption continues to abound. That said, it is gradually happening less and less as time passes and more enlightened minds take charge within the nobility and local government offices.

Spruce was an abandoned fawn left on the doorstep of an young earth pony couple who are farmers who work a section of the Prancing Plains in the deep south of Equestria. She has absolutely no memories of her true parents, and frankly doesn’t care about their fate- as far as she is concerned, she knows she is adopted, and she is utterly loyal to those she sees as her mother and father.

Though she is a gruff and hardworking doe during work hours, Spruce is actually a friendly character who loves to meet up with friends and have a little gossip. It is known that Spruce has a sweet-tooth, and that she adores cream cakes and jam tarts. Additionally, just like her adoptive parents, she does not smoke cigarettes, take drugs, or drink alcohol at all.

A little known fact about Spruce is that she loves to sing and dance, that she has an extensive vocal range, and is almost unnaturally graceful when dancing.

She regularly sends a portion of her money home to her adoptive parents, helping support them as they grow older, and allowing them to hire a couple of farm-hoofs to take up some of the slack. Spruce speaks with the same southern drawl as her beloved parents.

When it comes to more personal matters, Spruce is a heterosexual xenophile with a predilection for human men, but has had partners of different species. However, wooing Spruce is no easy feat, and she is very traditional in outlook- you would need to court her slowly and gain her trust. A personal challenge from her to a prospective partner is often a part of her courtship rituals, and this is almost always going to be a physical challenge.


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