
Quote: “I’ve always firmly believed that food is the great communicator. Good food, made with love and all natural ingredients, is a wonderful way to show the earnesty of your cause- even if you can’t understand a word of each other’s languages. It levels the playing field, as the ponies say.”

Pine is a 23 year old Arboreal doe who lives and works as a baker in her tribal village located within the deep and ancient forests at the southern base of the Smokey Mountains. For a creature from such a primordial region, Pine is a thoroughly modern doe.

It is noted that Pine is an open minded and accepting doe who has no reason to hate on anyone for their proclivities or beliefs. Friendly and genial to a fault, hatred seems to be an emotion that she is entirely devoid of, as well as jealousy. She feels that it is her duty to do her part to help bring the disparate species of Equis together, so that all may be one.

Physically, Pine is of average size and build for an adult doe, and is notably dextrous and fleet of hoof. It should be stated here that she is a little hard of hearing, especially on her right side, and that this is a condition that she was born with. She does have a number of scars from a childhood encounter with a Timberwolf, mainly around her hooves and lower legs.

Above all, Pine loves to bake various types of bread and pastries like jam tarts, and these are all made from locally sourced, natural ingredients and crops. The jams are various preserves of her own making, and her blackcurrant preserve is one of the tribe’s favourite treats, and a popular trade or barter item.

Just like Nettle, she is looked upon with some disdain and suspicion by a few of the tribal elders for her more progressive nature. Pine is absolutely committed to the ideal of integration with Equestria, and has met and traded with ponies before on numerous occasions. Something else that heavily feeds into this disdain is the fact that Pine is considered a bit of a heretic for her divergent religious beliefs.

Her hearing loss can be a liability for her in more dangerous regions outside of her village when foraging and collecting berries, and thus in those situations, she has to be escorted by another member of the tribe for her own safety- normally, this would be an armed and armoured stag, more often than not.

When it comes to more personal matters, Pine is heterosexual, with strong leanings towards xenophilia- specifically towards pony stallions. This softly spoken doe is known to be a gentle lover, and a little on the submissive side- far preferring her partners to take the lead, but isn’t afraid to do so herself if the need arises.


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