Emerald asks when Joyride said she'd be ready to take on her role as queen.
"I've been told a week or two." Wasp Joyride says.
"So wait, have you been here this entire time?" Ruby asks, tilting her head.
"The entire time? As far back as I remember I have been in this pool, yes." She says, sitting on an edge of the tub, "And I have had no reason to leave. I am well fed, and well taken care of."
"Doesn't it get kinda lonely though?" Ruby asks, looking around at the empty fields.
"I have Joyride. She keeps me company. Soon I'll have my own children." She says, swimming among the liquid, "And well… You guys are here as well."
"Sounds kind of nice, I suppose. I'd get bored in here I think though." Ruby says, rubbing her foreleg and looking around.
The Joyride Wasp stops her swimming, and looking to the two foals says, "I suppose there is one thing I'm a bit curious about. Joyride says that outside of here is a place that, should I be found, I would be probably killed. Honestly, I have no desire to enter such a place, but it does make me wonder about it."
The bug swims closer and then says, "I fear asking Joyride about it because I don't want her to think I am unhappy here. I am actually quite grateful that she would take me in. That however doesn't cull my curiosity. Could you tell me a bit about it?"
_This CYOA is finished and being archived, but it's creator and community are still active on the Discord Server. There is also a Fan Wiki