
Quote: "Merci beaucoup mes amis, je vous aime tous!"

Clementine is a 27 year old Prench Peryton Doe, who now lives on the edge of Ponyville, and works for Aloe and Lotus at Ponyville Spa as a masseuse. She is also a huge proponent of aromatherapy and herbal medicine, and during the weekend market days, she has a small stall where she sells incense, scented candles, and home-made herbal remedies.

As mentioned previously, this doe is originally from Prance, and used to work as a long distance courier up until five years ago, when she was badly injured by a wild, rampaging hydra during a routine low flight over the Everfree forest. After her rescue and recovery in Ponyville, she decided to move into the town, and tendered her resignation via the Equestrian Mail services.

Physically, Clementine is tall, slender, and elegant of proportion, with powerful, striped wings. She does not have a lot of raw strength, but what she lacks in power, she makes up for with sheer stamina and endurance- especially in flight. She does have scarring across her body, and notably around the bones of her right wing.

As to her personality, Clementine is a delightful and friendly doe to be around, and has a kind word for most ponies or other creatures that she meets. Though she has a good command of standard Equish, she has a refined Prench accent, and tends to drop into her mother tongue when she can’t remember the Equish word for something. Clementine is getting better at this, however, and is continuing to learn and improve her command of spoken and written Equish.

It is noted that Clementine does not have any sort of violent tendency in her, and no matter what the situation, remains calm and collected. Anger and rage seem to be alien concepts to this pretty doe. Like almost all female deer of any subspecies, Clementine adores physical affection and lavishes it upon those she is close to. Hugs, little kisses, and mutual grooming are a normal cervine behaviour between does.

Clementine loves to dance and sing at almost any opportunity, and will often be found singing with the Ponyville locals whenever somepony breaks out into song. The issue is, that no matter what everypony else is singing, she only ever sings in her mother tongue. It's just seen as an eccentricity of hers, and nopony pays it any mind.

As to how she appears in the opinion of her neighbours, Clementine is well liked in general, but as she is not a pony, and Equish is her second language, some of her mannerisms come off as a little weird or off to the older generations. No-one is known to actively dislike her as such, and she has even maintained good friendships with ex-partners.

Notably, she is particularly firm friends with Fluttershy, as it was her that initially discovered Clementine injured in the Everfree forest while searching for injured animals with Zecora and the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Clementine considers herself to have a life-debt to Fluttershy, as much as Fluttershy, (and everypony else,) regularly tells her that it’s simply not necessary.

Clementine is still in regular contact with her parents, her sister, and her large extended family, and takes a trip to Prance once a year for a heartfelt and joyous family reunion. She is very close to her twin sister, Nectarine, in particular. They are technically identical twins, though Nectarine has a much shorter manestyle and wears a white hairband.

When it comes to more personal matters, Clementine is a very selective bisexual doe that doesn’t care about what species a prospective partner is, only that they have manners, treat her with respect, and are physically compatible- love will sort out the rest. Clementine is a gentle and very passionate doe who would love to start a family sooner rather than later- and is thus looking for the one to set her heart aflame forever.


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