
Quote: "I wish I could tell him how much I love him, Scamp.I just dont know how…"

Aspen is a 28 year old Equestrian doe, who works as a farmhoof in Appleoosa. She was born somewhere in the region of Ponyville, but she keeps the actual location a closely guarded secret. All that is known is that Aspen did live in Ponyville prior to moving away to Appleoosa.

Physically, Aspen is tall and powerfully built for a doe of any subspecies, being a little taller than Princess Luna, and having almost equivalent physical strength to an earth pony. She does not tend to get ill very often at all, and suffers no long term or chronic ailments of any kind

She is no stranger to fights, as she has a notoriously short temper. When she's not flying off the handle at somepony's small indiscretion, she can be found working with Braeburn in the orchard. Braeburn has become a very close friend to her, and is one of the only ponies that can calm her down when she loses her temper.

Some of the other farmhoofs have been speculating that Aspen and Braeburn may well be seeing each other- something that they both deny vociferously. The truth is, that Aspen actually fell in love with him a while ago, and is scared to tell him how she feels. She doesn't want to lose his friendship, but at the same time she wants so much more.

Nopony seems to remember that when Aspen first arrived in Appleoosa, she was a very happy, free spirited girl. The hair-trigger temper she developed later has put paid to that.
She is not hated by anypony, but ponies are careful not to raise her ire.

Again, whatever caused Aspen to become so aggressive and volatile is something that she refuses to talk about, and nopony in Appleoosa seems to be able to point a hoof at any reason in particular. It is a mystery that a private investigator has been hired to probe, as her anger has been getting worse as of late.

She lives in a small log cabin in the apple orchard itself with her tabby Maine Coone cat, Scamp. Scamp is well liked for keeping rats and mice under control in the orchard but is only really friendly with Aspen herself.


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