
So I kinda lied about Thomas in that first pic. :P I did know at least two things I was going to do with him: The first is he’s the character for which the fourth wall has been utterly demolished. Being a universe jumper I figured that was appropriate, since he might have met these characters or similar circumstances before.

And two, well, he is essentially another Nick… How else could this play out? >w<


- had to scale this one up a bit so it might be a tad blurry. Was far smaller then I first anticipated.

- The two characters are from my other account. One’s quite accustomed to being a pony already. The other not so much. :P

- I took Karjamp on da’s advice and tried making the hair a bit more mane-ish in this one. Not that you get to see much of it unfortunately. But I did like it, surprise surprise, so I’ll be sure to use it anytime he comes up in future.


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