Twilight disagreed and never wanted her friends to starve forever after what happened in the wedding.
“We are gonna reformed,” Twilight commented. “I don’t care if Chrysalis wants us to consume love, but that is going to change.” She made a speech. “It’s time to change who we are and become our true self again.”
“But Twilight,” Applejack added. “We can’t be ponies again. I mean, look at you. You’re not even a unicorn anymore.”
“Not all of us have to be the same again,” said Thorax. “But being different can still be the same. My love for Twilight Sparkle, I will be different after what happened in Canterlot. So if all of you are willing to join, then show us your love.”
Neither were willing, until Ocellus stepped in. “I’m willing to show my love.” As she said, a magic wrapped her around and she was transformed into her new form.
Soon after, Scootaloo and Spike show their love and reform into their new look. Then Applejack, Apple Bloom, Rarity, and Sweetie Belle, they reform by their sisterhood love and finally in their new Changelings form.
“This is beautiful,” Rarity said, surprised by her new form.
And the last, Rainbow Dash and Pharynx were the only two left. “So, you wanna do it?” She asked if he really wanted to accept it.
“Well,” he scratched his head. “If you’re willing to join your friends, then I guess maybe a little change won’t hurt a bit.”
As both of them hold hooves, they reform and see they are now free from hunger. With them all free, they now have a way to free other Changelings and defeat Chrysalis once and for all.