Consider this piece a palette cleanser from the disaster I posted yesterday.
Regarding yesterday, it didn't help that I believe the story in the description is glitched out so that DeviantArt Mobile App users can't see it, let alone that it has a crying pony as it's cover image. I apologise for any upset or annoyance this may have caused.
Now, onto happier pastures…
The last time I posted this character, I effectively only had a nickname for her; Fieldfare. Now, that name is permanent.
She is a mare of 25 years of age, who works at Fluttershy’s animal sanctuary as a veterinary nurse. As a hobby, she took up carpentry, and uses it to build birdhouses.
Fieldfare is a chatty, gregarious mare who is one of those happy souls that seem to brighten up a room whenever they enter. Kind, caring, supportive, and with a heart full of song- Fieldfare is almost always singing while working.
Fieldfare looks up to Fluttershy as a role model, and this subconsciously causes her to wear an almost identical mane and tail style to that of The Element of Kindness. Fluttershy honestly finds it rather endearing, and has metaphorically taken Fieldfare under her wing.