
"Hey, did you miss me?"


Hey everyone,

I know it's been a couple of days since the last upload, but I felt it was time to revitalise an old friend, just over a year since her last appearance- this is her 29th piece of artwork that I have made, funnily enough.

I know a fair few of you quite like this desert dwelling pegasus, and I felt it was criminal to leave her without a new pic for so long.This image will be replacing the one already on her OC Insights entry, and will serve as a decent representation of her- though her bio will be getting a full rewrite to bring it up to my current standards.

Base Here:

Base By:

Bio Here:…

Thanks for checking out what I've been working on! I hope that you've enjoyed this little diversion, and as always- take care of yourselves, and I'll catch you next time!


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