
Hey everyone,

This isn't a full-on part of the "Introducing" series, or one of my "OC Insights" bios, as I don't have as much as I'd like for this character at present. Worry not, another pic will be on the way soon with a full bio.

Her name is Gale Force, and 33 year old ex-weatherpony that lives in Dazzledell Hollow, and was invalided out of service due to an overcharged lightning strike that effectively destroyed the nerves in the bases of her wings, leaving her unable to fly at all. Thanks to the hard work of the surgeon, Gilded Laurel, she is thankful to have even survived.

Despite the near fatal injury and her extended convalescence, she took her disability in good grace, and remains friendly and optimistic for her future, but is now understandably scared of storms. Her wings can be moved a little for general positioning and for everyday comfort, but beyond that, she will never fly or even glide again.

She is married to her loving and caring pegasus husband, Wildfire, and has two pegasus foals by him: an extroverted and excitable filly named Dust Devil, and a quiet, studious colt named Warm Front. As Gale cannot move her wings enough to preen herself, Wildfire takes care of that for her without complaint.

A huge shout out to Meteus, who is the creator of Dazzledell Hollow; a small and sleepy Equestrian town just north of Appleoosa.


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