> Been doing this off and on for the last several days. I wasn't excepting to having it done so soon but the linework was easy and the coloring was all flats. Jet wanted a new background so I took a swing at anthro versions of the mane six. I had a lot of fun with it.
> I want to offer several different wallpaper sizes for it but I don't know what the usual wallpaper sizes people use are. So toss a comment at me and I'll size it properly.
> The tiny pony is Jet's fancharacter, Emberbolt. Will be uploading a version without her as well.
> UPDATE: http://supersheela.deviantart.com/art/My-Giant-Pony-Sizeshift-is-Magic-Wallpapers-307012504 wallpapers can be found here.
Submission Information: Posted: Jun 7, 2012 03:49 AM Category: Artwork (Digital) Theme: Macro / Micro Species: Unspecified / Any Gender: Female Favorites: 397 Comments: 47 Views: 9814