> That's right! We have TWO more episodes until the end of Season One! Now you're probably thinking to yourself, "Ryuji, what do you mean Season One? What does this MEAN!" and to that, I just wanted to say this~
> I have a lot of ideas for continuing the story, and proceeding with experimenting in ways to make both this project, and future projects work well together. And I have paths I want to take, that I cannot do as quick as I would like to. So… We're going to be finishing the very first arc of this series, with something that I like to call, "The Last Of Us" era Swamp Fever.
> What does that make Season 2 then?
> Well… That is going to be kept a secret~ Mainly due to spoilers for these last two episodes.
> SO! Enough of the future, lets instead talk about the near future!
> I'll be working on two more episodes before I start working on other things! The titles of these episodes are…
> I'll be doing a lot of work these next few weeks to get this series out to you, and I hope that I can properly portray this story to your liking. This was originally gonna be a reveal for 5k, but, I just got too excited.